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Indoor PE/recess activities for winter?


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I want to make a jar that we can pull activity ideas out of on the too cold to go outside days (which my daughter thinks happen more frequently than I do).


I thought rather than wrack my brain for too long, I would just appeal to the Hive Mind! :D


One idea that we did today was to use cut in half swim noodles to keep balloons up in the air. We have also just used our fists in the past (while jumping and saying some sort of word for emphasis). I've also seen an idea to make "paddles" out of paper plates and tongue depressor sized popsicle sticks.


Now for your ideas! :001_smile:

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Make "balls" out of dad's socks. Put them all in a basket at one end of the room. Start some music and then either 1) try to toss as many as possible into another basket at the other end of the room before the music stops, or 2) run the balls one at a time to the other basket and see how many you can transfer before the music stops.


The original form of this game came from the "Unplugged Play" book, which has lots of great ideas (not just indoor and not just PE).



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Workout DVD's - Billy Blanks Kicks for Kids, Yoga

Play music and let them dance/run/jump

Set up an indoor obstacle course using chairs tipped on the sides, under tables, blankets, jump over pillows, walk backwards, frog jump over math books, etc

Heheh - I also time my kids to see how fast they can run from the basement to their room - that is 2 flights of stairs. They love this. Naturally they can only do this a few times.

Walk on a line, balancing things on head, hand. Do it backwards.

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I was reading this and thinking how we have the exact problem.....in Summer! Winter here is great but summer is oppressive. It's like the surface of the sun. Anyway, we do a bit of yoga or the kids 'try' to do my workout DVD's w/ me. I do some kickboxing ones that the boys love! Imagine that.


The yoga is really nice b/c it mellows us all out. We tend to be a hyperactive, sensory seeking bunch. LOL


Also, the Wii dance is a BIG hit and you don't even realize how long they've been doing it. hmmmm, maybe that's a bad thing.



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