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Duggars interview on homeschooling

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http://www.aop.com/enews/hsview/200806/duggars.php . Wasn't someone here just asking @ older kids helping with the younger ones? Sue in PA? Michelle states here how they plan their day and what curriculum they use. I always wondered what they used for school and I am curious if they use it for all thier subjects or not.


I personally don't have my older kids teach the younger ones, but they do like to help sometimes with reading or explaing something in math that I don't have time for( or don't understand ha ha). Other than that I do all the teaching or outsource it via CC or DVD etc. I don't have a problem with having older kids help if that is what works best for your family, I just don't think it would work well here.

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Yep, it was me who asked about olders teaching youngers. And, I did ask partly b/c I was thinking about the Duggars and knew that they did this (I've seen them on TV). Michelled Duggar just amazes me. I know she's not perfect. I'm sure she has her faults. I just wish I were half as organized and that my kids were half as disciplined and respectful.

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The Duggars are coming to our conference in a couple of weeks. Their children are going to perfrom during the praise and worship segment. Can't wait to hear what they say. I understand this is the first homeschool conference they have spoken at. One of their workshops is a question and answer period. Should be interesting!!

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Michelle said, "Individual checklists which cover schoolwork, chores, music lessons, and personal hygiene let us see at a glance how each child is doing and keep our children accountable, so we can reward them accordingly."


I liked that. Not so we can correct them when they need it (although I'm sure they do that too), but so we can reward them.

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The Duggars are coming to our conference in a couple of weeks. Their children are going to perfrom during the praise and worship segment. Can't wait to hear what they say. I understand this is the first homeschool conference they have spoken at. One of their workshops is a question and answer period. Should be interesting!!


Yes, please share if you see them. I am fascinated by this family. If I could afford it, I'd try to get myself to this conference.

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