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How do you know if buttermilk goes bad?

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Not sure how to tell. Is it chunky?


Hey, BTW, did you know you can freeze it? I needed some for an awesome apple cake recipe and stumbled across a blog telling me I can freeze it so I don't waste a whole quart for the 1/3 c I need. I tried it and it works beautifully!! I froze it in ziplock baggies in 1/2c measurements.

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You would know. As in, you wouldn't even be here asking that question because you would be taking it out to the trash. :D (OK, so maybe I once went a little too long in between cleaning out the fridge.)


But maybe someone else has some better advice for the not-quite-so-expired buttermilk...

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You would know. As in, you wouldn't even be here asking that question because you would be taking it out to the trash. :D (OK, so maybe I once went a little too long in between cleaning out the fridge.)


But maybe someone else has some better advice for the not-quite-so-expired buttermilk...


No. That's how you know. There is absolutely no question.

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OK we went and got new milk. I had no idea we could freeze it and I'm glad to know because the store didn't have any more quart sizes and we had to buy 1/2 gallon! We will freeze it, although...all I ever use it for is buttermilk pie.


Oh and I first heard about it on this board (the old one) a few years ago. It has now been a family Thanksgiving tradition every year. I dared to think that I would just make pecan and apple this year and dd20 was heart broken that I would break the new "tradition". Glad it is easy to make as I now have 2 buttermilk pies waiting for the oven. If you don't find the recipe...let me know!

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Darn, I opened this thread looking for the punch line. The thread title just struck me as so funny!


In my experience, if it congealed, it was bad. :tongue_smilie:


I don't use it that often, so now I just buy the powdered and reconstitute it as needed, except for one recipe for a cake that I make in multiple batches (so I'll use a whole quart at a time).

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