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Has anyone used Ourlosbanos american history plans?

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I am desperately trying to decide on an American history curriculum, spine + supplements, etc... for my 3rd grade dd next year.


The Young People's History of America by Zinn looks awesome, but from what I can tell it's written for an older student.


I came across ourlosbanos website w/ their free american history plans and wondered if anyone has used it and could share their experience.


Many thanks!!

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We used Our Los Banos American History curriculum last year. I think it is great! It has so much to offer. She has done a lot of leg work in gathering a great book list, websites, and even worksheets. If you spend some time on her site you will find the links to everything you need.


I especially liked it because its free! I didn't feel guilty for skipping over some things and adding others. I've done Sonlight and Winterpromise and I think Lost Banos is as good as these, without the cost.


Hope that helps!

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We are using it right now. It is very well laid out. I don't think you could possibly do everything, but for me it was great because I had a lot of the resources like Draw Write Now and History Pockets and it helped bring them together for me. You can also download it in a Word file, which makes it easy to add or delete things before you print it out, so you can completely customize it for yourself.


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I've used it, but then I made it, LOL....

You all just made my day! :D


I didn't use everything I scheduled. So if you do use it, be aware of that. It is probably way more stuff than you would need.

If you have a good library you would only need to purchase some of the activity books like history pockets, etc.

Let me know if you have any specific questions and I'll be happy to answer them!

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I've used it, but then I made it, LOL....

You all just made my day! :D


I didn't use everything I scheduled. So if you do use it, be aware of that. It is probably way more stuff than you would need.

If you have a good library you would only need to purchase some of the activity books like history pockets, etc.

Let me know if you have any specific questions and I'll be happy to answer them!

Jenn, we've used your schedule for several weeks now and it's been a wonderful blessing! Any chance of a second volume?? I need your help for the post-Civil War era!!

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Jenn, we've used your schedule for several weeks now and it's been a wonderful blessing! Any chance of a second volume?? I need your help for the post-Civil War era!!


Yikes! ;) Well...I'm not planning on doing it anytime soon, if at all. It took me SOOOOOOOOO much time to do the other one. I created it for my son, so that justified all of the time I put into it.


I have so many other projects - still tweaking this year's science program I made, websites that I have to work on (paid work), etc.

I honestly don't think I will be getting around to it (at least for now).


However, sometime in the future, if I have time, I will consider it if there is enough interest. It's just hard to justify the untold hours for no compensation.

I will say this, if a certain something happens in my life, I will do it for sure....can't say what that is though. :lol:


I'm sorry there won't be anything on the near horizon because I really love to help out, when I can!


I'm so blessed myself to hear that it is helping others! Thank you for letting me know!

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we'll let you off the hook this time-LOL! Unless of course that "certain something" happens! We can totally understand your reasoning.


Thank you again for blessing us with this one-I have also recommended it to so many people. It's been a Godsend for some friends who were financially very strapped.

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