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The Teachers Lodge 11-14-2011

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Welcome to Monday!


How was everyone's weekend? Pretty good here. Both dh and I received our Christmas presents early. DH had told me he was going to get his yesterday because he'd finally found the one he wanted. Evidently he'd been researching a particular type of handgun for awhile and finally found a decent deal on one.


So that got me to thinking: hmmm, maybe I can get my present early, too. We had been looking at Kindles and Nooks the night before.Then, as I was going through a stack of mail last night, I discovered our mortgage company had sent us a refund due to an overpayment in Escrow. Just enough to cover the cost of a Nook and a case for it! Woohoo!:D



What was fun and exciting for you this weekend?


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast here will be cinnamon rolls. Coffee for me, milk or water for the kids. Plus a side of Granny Smith apples for them. They really enjoy those! Lunch will be sandwiches.


What's starting off your school week? Evidently, I'm supposed to take our desktop computer to be repaired this morning since it died . . . again.:tongue_smilie:


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Welcome to Monday!


How was everyone's weekend? I had a great weekend. My oldest dd was away at a United Methodist Youth Pilgrimage with her youth group. My ds and dh were on a Scout camping trip. I only had the two little ones at home. We did lots of relaxing and some Christmas shopping. We went to see Puss in Boots on Saturday afternoon. Yesterday was spent at church.


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast was waffles. I'm not sure what lunch will be yet. I guess I'd better start thinking about that! Dinner is going to be pumpkin pancakes, hash browns, and either bacon or sausage.

What's starting off your school week? We have an absolutely crazy week ahead. We're trying to get a decent amount of schoolwork done today. DD7 has Girl Scouts this evening. I need to start getting some "deep cleaning" done around the house. My in-laws arrive in exactly one week. :willy_nilly::scared::ohmy:

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A Happy Monday to you!


Weekend: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. (Wait, I think someone said that somewhere already. . .)


The best was that we got to go to a Praise Night at a friend's house last night. We have a potluck dinner and then sing praises and hymns for hours. It is a time of refreshment for me.


The worst was that dh had a bad hypoglycemic episode that scared the pants off of me. I guess you could say that was exciting but not fun. (But the good is that he is fine now and it has opened a lot of dialogue on diabetes control.)


Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 low glycemic Eng. Muffin, water


Lunch - salad with protein


School Week - I love routine. It helps us get plugged in after the weekend without too much angst.

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What was fun and exciting for you this weekend?


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast here will be cinnamon rolls. Coffee for me, milk or water for the kids. Plus a side of Granny Smith apples for them. They really enjoy those! Lunch will be sandwiches.


What's starting off your school week? Evidently, I'm supposed to take our desktop computer to be repaired this morning since it died . . . again.:tongue_smilie:


Talk to me!:bigear:


Happy Monday!


This weekend, fun and exciting included a stomach bug. :tongue_smilie:


Breakfast, for those who wanted to eat, was plain oatmeal. Lunch will likely be the same, with the possibility of kefir added. I'm making chicken soup for dinner.


The school week has started productively for the one who is feeling better today. We are getting a lot done.

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YAY for you for finding that extra money! Enjoy your early gift!


Our weekend was... not what I expected. I had been looking forward to taking DD to a small concert given by the local youth symphony, but she was in sheer meltdown mode all weekend long. She threw a tantrum in the middle of the art museum lobby on Saturday. So on Sunday, we stayed around the house and had a family work day. My Halloween decorations got put up in the attic and DH fixed the garage door so I can park in the garage again (YAY!). He also cut all the dead limbs out of the crape myrtles; last winter just about killed them and we hadn't been able to tell what was dead and what wasn't until mid-summer.


Breakfast this morning was muffin tops for the kids and a banana for me. Lunch was leftover chicken chunks; DS also had an orange.


Our school week started off fun. One of my friends organized a local Red Cross 'school' group made of homeschool families, and we had a tour of the Red Cross facility today. Next month the liaison is going to work on some actual first aid techniques with the kids. I'm happy to see this group get going. Now I just have to hope that DD will come home in a good mood. Last week was way too rough.

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