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Anyone donated bone marrow?

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register. there are two ways they take bone marrow now, not all require the donation from your hip. visit Be The Match.com to find out more. even if it is uncomfortable it is worth saving someones life. 50% of people who need transplants never find a match. mothers, fathers, children, sisters, brothers. everyone should be on the Be The Match list. You can even have a kit sent to you at your home for free. my brother has leukemia. out of 7 MILLION people on the registry there was NOT a match for him. he underwent an experimental cord cell transplant and is recovering. but i wish beyond wish that more people would get on this list. i got on in college because a friend died from leukemia and have never once been worried that it might hurt. it is worth it.

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We joined Be The Match Donor Registry 10 years ago, along with my parents and brothers and nobody has ever been asked to donate (or even do the testing that narrows down whether you could donate). Just don't assume that if you register as a donor that you'll ever actually be asked.

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I also have never donated but I am on the registry. I would be honored to donate if I ever were called. My son is a Leukemia survivor so this is near and dear to my heart. I encourage you to register. So many people never find a match. It's very sad. The more people in the registry, the greater the odds that lives would be saved. :001_smile:

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We're having a bone marrow drive in our town next week and I am thinking about registering. We have two kids in our town that need transplants. I have just started reading up on it. I am wanting to hear some real life experiences. Thanks!!


A little ouch and some ache, but nothing like having a tooth out. The suctioning "feels funny", but not painful.

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I'm registered, but haven't been asked to donate.


There are two ways to donate stem cells, and they seem to be using both a lot now. One donating the actual marrow, they stick a needle into your bone, and you're sore for several days. The other is they collect stem cells from your blood. Apparently the meds they use to make you make more stem cells make you flu-ish for a few days, and then you spend 1/2 day to a full day hooked up to a machine that harvests the stem cells. So, either way, there is some discomfort involved, but I've seen what the recipient side is like, and it's nothing like that.

Be the match has lots of good blogs about donation that tell the good, the bad, and the ugly of both processes step by step from a number of people's perspectives.

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We joined Be The Match Donor Registry 10 years ago, along with my parents and brothers and nobody has ever been asked to donate (or even do the testing that narrows down whether you could donate). Just don't assume that if you register as a donor that you'll ever actually be asked.


I know this, but in registering it is possible that I could donate and I want to know everything about it.

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I've been registered at Be the Match since 2007 when a a friend's daughter needed a bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately, neither of her two transplants were successful, and we lost her in 2008.


Another friend has a 6yo son who is currently in need of a transplant. Databases *world wide* have been searched and there is no suitable match for this boy. None. In the whole world. Latinos are statistically under-matched because of low registration.


My sister won't register because "harvesting the marrow will hurt." Yeah, that's nothing compared to the pain of losing a child. I called her selfish to her face.

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