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Teachers Lodge (VETERANS DAY)

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And thank you to all our veterans, active duty, and reservists!!!


The lodge is open early today as we have co-op, then quick lunch and quiet time, then drama class today. Whew!


What's for breakfast/lunch? Breakfast: probably on the go, as will lunch. I'm working on coffee right now, then need to wake up the kids.


Who's a veteran and/or knows a veteran they can thank today? Me, my husband, various other members of my family, etc. :D I've already thanked a couple of them!


Plans for the weekend? All the stuff already listed for today, meeting with friends tomorrow, and church on Sunday.


Talk to me! :bigear:

Edited by scrapbookbuzz
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Happy Armistice Day! :) Or Remembrance Day... or Veteran's Day... whatever you call it, may your day be filled with love and respect for all who have gone before.


Breakfast for the kids was toast & jam with fruit; I had a hard-boiled egg while sorting laundry.


I actually don't have any veterans I can call today... they've either passed or are on active duty overseas. But I'm thinking of them anyway.


Weekend plans include taking the kids to a concert by the local youth symphony and possibly to an art museum. There's a really nice showing going on right now and I have been wanting to go for a month. What else... it's supposed to be nice out, so I'm hopeful that we'll get to the park or zoo or something else outside. I want to make it a fun weekend. :)

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Happy Veteran's Day!



What's for breakfast/lunch? Breakfast: homemade pumpkin moon pies (my mom's been experimenting, we're the guinea pigs) and white tea. Lunch: No clue. Probably spinach salad, quinoa and some kind of fruit, unless we eat out.


Who's a veteran and/or knows a veteran they can thank today? I can thank my dad and my husband's best friend.


Plans for the weekend? We're attending a wedding tomorrow, which means I have to buy their wedding present today, and shoes for Ariel because she's outgrown all but one pair and ratty running shoes at a wedding seem wrong, even if it is outdoors. In a horse pasture. In November. Hmm, maybe I'll buy her new boots. Other than that, not a whole lot. Laundry, maybe some painting.

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Happy Veterans Day! Lots of veterans in our family, including my dad and dh. Half our friends, past and present, are military. In some ways I miss that life.


Breakfast: poached egg on a piece of rye toast


Lunch: probably leftover cabbage/hamburger soup with tortilla chips


I'm so excited, dh is taking me out to dinner tonight to celebrate my birthday.We are going to one of those Japanese restaurants where they cook the food in front of you.


No major plans for the weekend, we school on Saturdays. Sunday is church and extended family day.

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Breakfast: cereal, toast, coffee


Who to thank: My dad, though it is difficult for me as he was a very angry, extreme PTSD Special Forces Viet Nam vet, and it very negatively affected my childhood. I am trying to not let it ruin my patriotism on Vetrans Day. My husband, though he is out of town. Lastly my dear nephew who is a recent Navy basic training grad stationed in S.C. I will also send him a txt today.


In 10 minutes we will be leaving for our local Vetran's Day parade, after that errands.


This weekend: tomorrow morning we will be joining the rest of the 4H clubs in our county for a joint service project making stockings, stuffing them, Christmas cards, etc. for the local Vetrans' hospitals. Then home for some down time. We have had no down time since last Sunday, and I might implode if I don't lay down for a bit.:tongue_smilie:


Good Day to you all!

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Good morning Everyone!


I am very grateful to both retired and active duty military.


Breakfast - the usual 2 eggs, toast, water


Lunch - the usual salad with protein.


My life is so predictable!


I have numerous friends who are veterans.


Plans for the weekend. Is it the weekend already, Scrap? :willy_nilly: You didn't warn me yesterday that it was coming up!:lol:


Actually there is way too much on my plate right now. I think I might spend the weekend practicing my deep breathing and trying not to panic.

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We had Starbucks for breakfast. There's an old guy that shows up every Friday, and he befriended my son over chess and crossword puzzles a few years ago. His kids moved away, none of his grandkids visit, and his wife died last year. She used to let my little girl climb up with her in the big, comfy chairs and she'd read to her :) He's a WWII vet, so today we treated him to breakfast.


We thanked the veterans in our family, and in our circle of friends! My little girl made posters and cards to hand out, and earlier this week my son helped the Rotary Club put out flags around town. The kids usually go to the big parade with their dad (a vet) but he had to work today. It's his first year not being employed by the federal government :tongue_smilie:!


This weekend is our final weekend for soccer and baseball, so we'll be attending gams and end-of-season parties. Then I plan to do nothing all day Sunday so I can begin to recover from the busy sports season and the time change!

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Happy Armistice Day! :) Or Remembrance Day... or Veteran's Day... whatever you call it, may your day be filled with love and respect for all who have gone before.


I didn't realize it until my son pointed it out to me, but it's been 100 years since the first Armistice Day -- 11/11/11! I had no clue he knew that.


Breakfast: homemade pumpkin moon pies (my mom's been experimenting, we're the guinea pigs) and white tea.


This sounds very good. What's a moon pie, and do the guinea pigs give it two thumbs up?


I'm so excited, dh is taking me out to dinner tonight to celebrate my birthday.We are going to one of those Japanese restaurants where they cook the food in front of you.


Teppanyaki is one of my favorite dining experiences ~ what a fun choice :D have a wonderful birthday dinner!

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Here in Phoenix, several restaurants are treating veterans to a free meal so dh and I ate well at lunch. :D We went to Applebee's. I was thinking about going to one of the other restaurants for dinner but I'm too tired!


We are rounding up our Sonlight Core's this week, tying up loose ends throughout November. I think December will be Core-free and then we'll begin the next two Cores in January. That's the tentative plan, anyway.


Weekend plans might include me persuading dh to go look at my dream home a couple of hours away. :) We'll see how that goes!

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This sounds very good. What's a moon pie, and do the guinea pigs give it two thumbs up?


The way she made them, it's made like a sandwich, with the "bread" being a type of pumpkin cake/cookie (more cakey than a cookie, and not crumbly enough to be cake) and in between is a layer of cream cheese icing. The guinea pigs give all available thumbs up! Some thumbs are being used to clutch desperately to moon pies, however.

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