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Baby Steps for Weight Loss, Healthier Lifestyle, etc.

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Someone here just sent me a PM with questions as to how to make changes for a healthier lifestyle. I think that since many of us struggle with this (including yours truly), it would be useful to share stuff here. My personal problem and challenge is consistency and overall discipline. I start off well and with the best intentions. Then challenges and dramas set in and I fall off the bandwagon. :glare:


Please share your tips and any info here so that we can all benefit.


My tips:

Work on one thing at a time. Change one thing at a time. Trying to change everything at once is a recipe for disaster. Change things a little at a time to create permanent new habits. You have to come up with something that is going to work for you individually. Everyone has different habits and challenges.

A while back, I looked at my diet and bad habits and then I wrote them down. I prioritized my bad habit list from worst to least worst. Then I worked (and need to do this again) on each major issue for at least 6 weeks. They say that it takes 6 weeks for something to become a habit. I marked my calendar.


For example, a list might look like this.


Consuming sugar and HFCS

Eating when frustrated or trapped

No exercise

Not enough fiber

Eating after 8 PM

Not drinking enough water

Not enough vegetables in diet

Consuming dairy

Drinking soda

Going to bed too late


For me, sugar was and continues to be my major weight culprit. I have succeeded most when I cut it out completely. Then I gradually work on my other challenges.


Most of us cannot fix all these things in a day, a week, or even a month. After my first good habit is established, then I work on the next and then the next.


You need to decide now how you will reward yourself in a healthful manner. I used to keep a l log of how many days I worked out and how many days I ate no sugar, for example (or whatever I was focusing on from above) and according to a certain number, I treated myself – to either a new fitness DVD, a facial, a massage, a book, you can reward yourself with whatever makes you happy. I made a list of different rewards to keep me motivated each month. But don’t reward yourself with food!


You might try making a checklist for yourself of your daily goals.

Asking yourself the "hard/specific questions" and put it on your fridge.

It could ask questions like:

M___Tues__Wed__Thur__Fri__S__Sun__(space for check marks)

Did you walk briskly 20 minutes today?

Did you drink 3 glasses of water at breakfast/lunch/dinner today?

Did you eat fiber today?

Did you reach for a healthy snack today?

Did you avoid high fat foods today?


Anyway, this sort of thing has helped me and you can make this chart on one sheet and check it off after lunch and after dinner everyday. It's helped me in the past.






I'd like to work on the rules from Food Rules - focusing on one Rule every 6 weeks or so - and then moving on to the next one.


Okay, feedback ...




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I like it.


I am a big proponent of doing what works for YOU and believe this varies for different people.


I started eating healthier and exercising after my chiro asked me what my grandparents' health was like as they aged, what my parents health is like and how I want my health/lifestyle as I age. Then she asked me what I was doing now to achieve the life I want.


Well, three of my grandparents died of cancer and one had numerous health problems (high BP, arthritis, dementia). None were particularly healthy, active, or happy in their old age.


Umm, that was kinda off topic. Sorry :)



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I agree - baby steps.


I started by increasing my fiber - I aimed for 25 grams a day. Then I stopped drinking regular soda. Then I did other things. It works better because then you are more likely to keep at it (it's a habit rather than a restriction.)


With exercise, I started with walking in the treadmill for 30 minutes. I kept bumping it up in time, speed, and intensity a little at a time. I added in strength training. Once I lost a large amount of weight, I started doing walk/runs.


Baby steps lead to bigger steps and lead to success.

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You need to decide now how you will reward yourself in a healthful manner. I used to keep a l log of how many days I worked out and how many days I ate no sugar, for example (or whatever I was focusing on from above) and according to a certain number, I treated myself – to either a new fitness DVD, a facial, a massage, a book, you can reward yourself with whatever makes you happy. I made a list of different rewards to keep me motivated each month. But don’t reward yourself with food!




this is a great idea, i always reward my hard workout weeks with ice-cream, i know counterproductive.

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I think my first focus needs to be drinking water. I suspect the sugar in my coffee and iced tea and any other sodas is compromising not only my weight, but my energy as well.


Tomorrow I plan to begin substituting hot tea for coffee because I can tolerate tea without sugar. Maybe by separating the sugar and caffeine, I'll be able to figure out what I'm really craving . . . And if I'm not using caffeine for an energy slump, water should do. Right?:D


I know I need exercise. I've been avoiding it altogether since straining my knee and hip a few weeks ago. Those joints are still complaining, but I've started a glucosamine/chondroitin supplement and feel I'm ready for daily walking. Not for cardiovascular yet -- just to get outside for sunshine, fresh air, and a little movement.


So . . . cutting out the constant liquid calories and having some physical activity (10-15 minutes at least) a day are my goals for this week.


"Food Rules" and "Eat to Live" are at my public library. I have them on hold. ;) I could use some brainwashing to fix my thinking about food.

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My friend linked to this on FB this morning. I think it's very helpful for baby steps and alternatives to what we are already eating.


Oh yeah, things I'm doing.


Well, we've practically cut soda out. I've only had it about three times all year. I generally only drink water and occasionally milk. We got a Vitamix and started making our own peanut butter and veggie broth in addition to green smoothies. We haven't been eating very many sandwiches lately, but when we do I plan on making my own mayonnaise.


Our next goal is to start waking up at 6am so we can get some exercise in before the kids wake up. It just wasn't happening at night. After the kids go to bed is my lazy time and I need it to stay sane. Just light exercise for now, stretching and walking, jumping jacks, etc. Once we get used to waking up so stinkin early, we'll do some DVDs.

Edited by meggie
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Baby steps lead to bigger steps and lead to success.

Renee, your goals are great ones and so very do-able. Good for you. :D


this is a great idea, i always reward my hard workout weeks with ice-cream, i know counterproductive.

Yep, it is counterproductive. Try to treat yourself to something that's not food instead. :grouphug:


My friend linked to this on FB this morning.

Our next goal is to start waking up at 6am so we can get some exercise in before the kids wake up. It just wasn't happening at night.

Meggie, thank you for that link. Looks so good. Love lists like that.

Your goals are wonderful. Proud of you for making all those positive changes. Yes, I hear you on the waking up early thing. If I don't wake up early, I'll find a million and one excuses to not exercise ;). Plus, when I do exercise in the morning, I feel so much better all day long. It sets the tone for the day.


The one "baby" step I took that helped me the most was to quit drinking all cola and to only drink water.

Great one. Soda is one of the worst things for our diets.


This weekend or within the next several days, I'm going to work on my rewards plan for x number of days that I workout and x number of days that I eat right. If I'm good, I will treat myself to something - a DVD, a book, etc. I love making lists like that. :)

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