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Has your library ever charged you for damage you didn't do to a book?

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"Ma'am this book has water damage on some of it's pages"


"yes, it was like that when I picked it up"


"um....no, this looks recent. We are going to have to charge you."


[silence, blink, blink] :001_huh:


Where does the conversation go from there? I really don't know. I didn't...you did...I didn't...etc.


I did make the librarian stand there and wait while I went through every page of the books I was checking out. I made him note every mark and tear. He wasn't pleased, but I'm not going to be their cash cow.


I guess they have to get money somehow. :glare:



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no, never. I would be livid.


I guess they figure with all those kids, you must be responsible, huh? :banghead:


The funny thing is, I returned 42 books all in fine condition. This was one of 2 adult books. *I* must have looked like the irresponsible one.



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No, but I was once called over to the desk after we had returned some books and were browsing, and was accused of having damaged a book. It was a book that had never left the library bag while we had it, so I knew that the water damage hadn't occurred while we had it, but I was very upset by being falsely accused! They grudgingly accepted my explanation and didn't charge me, but I was Very careful after that to inspect all books we took for any damage. I'm sorry you were treated so rudely!

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How ridiculous! Your word against hers and somehow HER word is more credible than hers just b/c she works there? Oh ugh. I'm so sorry. We've been charged for damage before but it WAS our fault. Dd11 left a book in our van and our van "leaks" when it rains. It rained. Book got wet. Yuck. Our librarians usually catch any damage and note it before we check them out, but I'm always careful now to check myself and note it to the librarian. I don't think you are being ridiculuous to make them check. I would from then on. Each.and.every.page! :D Their time...your money. Hmmm...Would make them think twice about accusing you again. Let's see...check out 100 books and make them check every page in every book. Sorry...just feeling a bit vindictive today. So sorry this happened to you.

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