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Going from MUS to CLE in math...has anyone done this?


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I'm wanting to switch my 8 year old son from MUS (he has gone through primer and alpha) to first grade CLE math. Has anyone done this and had good results? I feel the way it is laid out will help him a lot better than MUS. I LOVE the concepts of MUS, but it's just not working out for us very well....

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I've switched from MUS to CLE and am SOOOO grateful that I did. My older DD did Primer through the beginning of Delta. My younger DD did Primer through half of Beta. We switched to CLE when I realized that they were doing "okay" with MUS but were having some problems with retention, and they also seemed "behind" on so many topics because of the mastery nature of MUS (it didn't bother me at first, but did after a while).


I wish we had switched to CLE earlier. My girls like math so much better now. The lessons are so thorough, but gentle as well. We are very pleased with CLE math. :001_smile:


** We do supplement with other things, however I would do that with any program. I like to mix it up to let them see different types of problems and problems that are written differently than they are used to. So, I also add in Life of Fred, Math Detective, Challenging Word Problems, Key to Fractions, Mathematical Reasoning, and sometimes Math Mammoth. CLE is very thorough on its own though. ;)

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  • 3 months later...

I'm glad to hear this. The Mastery Nature of MUS is good, but DD is getting SO BORED. I'm planning on switching her to CLE at the end of this book. (2nd grade, Beta?) But, since I'm a curriculum hoarder :D I'll have some MUS unused up for sale soon.


Thanks, Edelweiss!

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I'm wanting to switch my 8 year old son from MUS (he has gone through primer and alpha) to first grade CLE math. Has anyone done this and had good results? I feel the way it is laid out will help him a lot better than MUS. I LOVE the concepts of MUS, but it's just not working out for us very well....


This was our exact progression. My ds understands math now, is proffient, know his facts backward and forwards, and actually gets things conceptually. I do credit MUS' primer, though. It really laid a good foundation.:001_smile:

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My second dd switched from MUS Beta to CLE. I had to fill in some holes with CLE 200 on topics MUS didn't cover. Then she started CLE 300. She's in the second half of 400 and I am so glad we switched. She was bored with MUS and things didn't make sense to her.


I switched all my kids from MUS. They now either use Math Mammoth or CLE.

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DS used Primer and half of Alpha when we made the switch over to CLE Math 100. It has gone very well. We are in 200 now and still going strong. I will say that the foundation in place value that he got in MUS Primer was great. He has never had a problem with place value and I attribute this to MUS. In the beginning, we still used the MUS blocks when doing addition and subtraction in CLE. We still sometimes pull them out just for fun.

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We also switched from MUS to CLE (with a little Singapore thrown in inbetween for my two oldest). I only wish I had found it sooner! One of mine went from Delta to Sinapore to CLE. Another went from Gamma (just before lesson 20? I hate the way MUS does double digit multiplication!!!!) to singapore to CLE - somewhere in the 300s. My third child did MUS primer and we tried to do some of Alpha. It was hopeless. She did a bit of Singapore 1A. Though Singapore was less of a struggle with her, she still wasn't getting it or retaining it. We started back with CLE 100 when she was in 2nd grade. It saved her math life!

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I used MUS alpha and although my son loves Steve, he was bored and he didn't like MUS. He loves,loves CLE now . He is doing great with it . If your son is 8 and did well with Beta , I'd rec. To do a placement test for CLE . If you have to start with 100, I'd say to buy the LU's from 105&up. I suppose even 200 it would be okbecause there is a lot of review.


We still have all MUS videos and watch them now and then but CLE and Singapore are our main programs.

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I only used MUS once for my 2nd daughter and gave it back to the lady that let me borrow it. Didn't work well for my daughter at all. That's the extent of our experience with MUS.


Anyways be sure your child takes the diagnostic test before placement. CLE's scope and sequence is VERY different from MUS. So don't be surprised if your child places a level or two (or more). Just start them where it says to start them and go from there.

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