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kids spaced 3.5 years apart...

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My boys are 3.5 years apart 10/93 and 5/97 and are super close. They do everything together. I think it depends on personalities also. My oldest son was like a second parent and very nurturing. We would ask him to watch his baby brother and play with him. Then over time just really started liking each other. My oldest stayed in PS till 5th grade but still had no problem with his little brother hanking out with him.

He was more protective and more strict in taking care of his baby brother than we were;)

They are now teens and still spend most of their time together. They are so polar opposites it just amazes me how close of relationship they have.


I have a military bound eagle scout and a long hair musician rebel without a cause and its just funny to see them hanging out.


I know their adult lives will be way different but I just really think they will stay friends

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I think temperament and interests matter more than age difference. My mom and her oldest brother are 6 years apart but they are much closer to each other than either is to the other 2 siblings (who are 2-3 years older or younger). My SIL is closer to my BIL, who is 9 years younger, than she is to my DH, who is 3 years older.

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I have a 3.5 year gap and a 4.5 year gap. So far the 3.5 year gap boys are bestest friend/enemies. I think it is the oldest's personality plus a bit of rivalry. I can't imagine them not being super close, but I can't say they exactly get along. The youngest and the oldest are buddies, while the middle is not yet crazy about his two year old brother. That might have something to do with him still being two!

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DS10 and DS7 are exactly 3.5 years apart. DS10 has adored DS7 since the day he was born, and DS7 idolises DS10. They have their moments, of course, like all siblings, but 90% of the time they have great fun together, and are the best of friends.


This is nearly our identical situation. I find that my friends with children who are 2 yrs or less apart have much more squabbling and rivalry to contend with.

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