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Talking to strangers.

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Yep, I'm a chatterer. :D


It's normal where I live though - the small-town sorta thing where even if you don't know someone, chances are someone else you know knows them {or we turn out to be related & didn't know it - I come across second cousins and such a lot that way LOL} and everyone chatters with everyone else.

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I talk to strangers all the time and so do my children. It is friendly small talk. We use discernment on who to talk to. But some people (captive audiences like cashiers:lol: ) have become friends as we chat a little bit every time we come into the store. Dh asks me when I come back from the store - "Who did you interview today?!" I've found out how to make chocolates from the little chocolate shop that just opened up, the woes of our local Quizno's owner. . .


My ds10 goes up to workers who are using some interesting equipment and asks them what it does and how it works. We've had some just look at him blankly and he will start to move on. But then when they realize that a tween boy actually talked to them respectfully (and get over their shock) they'll call him back and tell him all about what they are doing!:D

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My Mom will talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime. The conversation topic is usually me, the kids, and my Navy-employed husband - she feels its her duty to educate strangers on how wonderful my family is and the value of home schooling. :auto:

How sweet! Your mama must be proud of you :)

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I make a point of talking to shop assistants about something other than the weather. 4 years of checkout duty made me really aware of that! I'd much prefer they thought I was a mad woman than saw me as another customer here to bore them into zombification.

I think I read on some homeschooling humour page about the "stranger danger" issue. It's quite ok for kids to talk to whoever if you are there with them. Some random lady in the grocers last week was telling me about a little guy she met who wouldn't speak to anyone because his dad taught him not to speak to strangers. EVER. Even when daddy was right there. Shall we start another conversation about socialization?


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