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International Adoption?

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Thanks for the replies!


It's already a roller coaster! When I posted the original post, we had committed to adopting a certain little boy in Eastern Europe, then found out that he had already been adopted by a couple in his country.


After that we tried again to commit to a little girl- same thing. She had already been adopted in country.


This is great for them and I'm so happy that the stigma of their medical condition did not prevent them from finding a forever family in their own culture.


We tried a third time to commit to a little boy in Russia, but found out that his agency listed him as a waiting child before he was available for international adoption. He is still waiting but currently only available to Russian families. I hope he finds one who will adopt him.


So, we've decided to go with a blind referral in our original country while keeping an open mind about possibly committing to a child in the future. We hope to adopt a child or possibly two children with mild special needs.


If you'd like to follow our story, here is the blog-


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I am the mom that has been talked about on this forum recently. We are adopting 3 boys from EE and currently have 6. I joined this forum this morning because I felt the need to defend myself, but after reading the thread I realized that opinions are always strong. I can only clarify some of the facts... knowing there will always be those who would make different decisions.


Just so you know, we ARE trained in attachment disorders. We DO have an attachment therapist that we have been in contact with. We DO have a plan of action for providing for the safety and care of all kids while we look for concerning behaviors. We DO have a plan for respite. With that being said we also feel at peace that we have received enough information about our boys to feel comfortable that they are not likely to have RAD.


Also, we HAVE had a homestudy (like every adopting family has to have). Everyone is aware of the number and ages of our children. We even had the owner of the agency feel the need to look over our case because it was out of the norm and she also gave us her approval and felt the boys were a great match for us.


Our adoption has been unbelievably fast because the oldest of the brothers was set to be transferred to an institution. We found this out AFTER we committed to them. It is truly a miracle that everything was able to be completed so quickly. (Seriously... US customs normally takes 4-6 months... but our paperwork was picked up by a woman who not only had personally inquired about adopting our 3 boys... but also had the ability to expedite our paperwork.) But, I WILL cry when I leave my babies. We are looking into every possible way to limit the time we will be gone. At this point the plan is to have my husband only gone for 2 weeks... I will still need to be gone for the full 5 weeks. :( This was NOT the original plan. We originally thought we would have a lot more time to save up the money and fund raise. Originally we were thinking of doing 3 trips... minimum 2 trips. But flights are expensive and we seriously just don't have the funds right now. I don't mean this to be a plug for money... just trying to explain that this wasn't the original plan.


Can I also clarify, that Reece's Rainbow is simply a ministry that raises grants for children. They are NOT an adoption agency and are not responsible for approving families.


We would love your prayers. While the transfer is on hold, if we don't continue to move quickly he could still be transferred. Once transferred he may not be able to be adopted at all. You don't age out of institutions... you are there until you die. His only handicap is that he is deaf. This has been an amazing journey and these boys really are being prayed home.




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thank you for replying. I hate that we have to explain ourselves to people who don't understand. I hate that unless we clearly spell out how we are preparing and how much we are learning, it is assumed that we are just ignorant fools jumping into something we can't handle.


It would be nice if people would assume that because you are doing this, you must be preparing yourself.

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thank you for replying. I hate that we have to explain ourselves to people who don't understand. I hate that unless we clearly spell out how we are preparing and how much we are learning, it is assumed that we are just ignorant fools jumping into something we can't handle.


It would be nice if people would assume that because you are doing this, you must be preparing yourself.


Sadly, there are many people who are not prepared, but do it anyway. As a result children suffer. Thankfully many PAPs do take the appropriate steps to be as prepared as possible. Wishing the best to the OP.

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