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Teachers Lodge 10-26-2011

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Good morning!


The Lodge was not open yesterday because I was having a very rough day. As I told my husband, it had nothing to do with the kids and everything to do with the 6 inches between my ears. AKA "the fear of self-doubt". :tongue_smilie:

Anyway, I'm doing better today, so far.


Let's open up the shades in here and get the coffee brewing! I'm ready for some great conversation sprinkle with a healthy dose of laughter! :D


What's for breakfast/lunch?


Here: nibbling on bite-sized coffee cake. Should probably make some coffee and a more solid breakfast. Lunch: probably at a restaurant somewhere after our field trip today.


Where are you off to today? :auto:


Here: yep, another field trip. This time to the Symphony!

Then somewhere for lunch after that, most likely.

Early this afternoon I'm planning on meeting up with some friends and colleagues.


Does anyone have any idea how I can make a mermaid tail for my 13yo daughter's Halloween costume?


I don't have any idea and we only have a few days left!:001_huh:


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Breakfast was a hard-boiled egg for me, oatmeal for DD, and a granola bar for DS. Lunch is TBD.


I don't plan to go anywhere today except perhaps the grocery store this evening. I really don't WANT to go anywhere today. It's getting cold and will likely rain later, and that's just not conducive to me being a happy person... so I'm sitting in my house (AKA the Batcave) and pretending it's still summer.


I've no idea on the mermaid tail. I am not crafty or creative. I can't wait to see what some of the other folks come up with, though!

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I had brownie and half of a parmesian bagel (yeah, great for the diet - no wonder I'm gaining again). Kids had leftover pizza and quesadea (spelling?) - which is just a plain tortilla shell, buttered, put cheese in the middle, and grill it. Cut into slices. My kids love that!


Today: AWANA. If I can manage, a trip to the post office.


Mermaid tail: I am NOT a crafty sewing person. However, I would probably buy a length of green felt from the craft store. I'd pin it around dd's waist, or maybe put holes thru it in the back and put some ties in the back (did I mention I don't sew?). And then I'd give dd a hot glue gun and have her make some scales out of felt or maybe hot glue something sparkly on to look like scales (glitter paint?). I'd put on a long sleeved, flowy blouse, and maybe a wig. Viola! Maybe I'll actually try that next year:) My turning 9yo wants to be a wii remote. I need to gather up some boxes for that one.

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Good morning, Scrap, I hope you have a better day today.


Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 everything bagel thin, water


Lunch - we'll most likely eat out because I think we'll be 1 hour from home when lunchtime hits.


Off to - speech therapy for dd in a bit. Then immediately we drive up north an hour for one more appointment for Libby the disabled wonder dog. I've now gotten two majorly contradictory pieces of advice for her. Let's see if this tie breaker helps or if it confuses me even more.:tongue_smilie: I should go to the library on the way home. Tonight is swimming night at the Y.


Tail - are there any green shimmery leggings at Goodwill? (I know - it's a long shot!)

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Good Morning and hope your day is better today!!!!


You mean I have to feed them again :eek::blink: Man I just did that yesterday :lol:


Breakfast for me was/is coffee. Not sure what the kiddos ate :001_huh: we are not morning people


Lunch will be leftovers from supper or grilled cheese


Got to stay home all day yesterday and hope we get to today too. Tomorrow we will be on the go all day :auto:


Ok I so need to get moving but don't feel like it. It is cloudy and windy, a good day to lay around and read ;) but I guess we better get some schooling in.

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I'll join you guys this morning.


What's for breakfast/lunch?

Aww man, I knew I forgot to do something this morning - eat. The coffee was good though. Oh well it is almost lunchtime here so I'll eat shortly. Lunch for the kids will probably be soup - it is so yuck outside that I think a warm tummy will be helpful before they go outside to play. I will have leftover chili.


Where are you off to today?

Absolutely no place to go! And that is fine with me. The kids managed to get half of their work done this morning AND help me get the basement cleaned up. It was a disaster with toys, crafts, books, etc EVERYWHERE. It is all cleaned up now! DH will be happy. It was driving him crazy to see such a mess.


Mermaid help?

Sorry I am not really crafty that way. How 'bout finding a really long skirt and then just pinning the bottom of it?

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Push through that self-doubt, Scrap. I hope today is a good day for you.


Breakfast was cereal all around, and lunch will be a choice of leftover soups: lentil w/ spinach or northern bean w/ sausage.


No trips planned today. Symphony sounds nice! We pretty much have to wait until February when the local university has their art and culture celebration and then we soak up all we can at that time!


Mermaid tail...well, does she have to walk? Because the familyfun.go.com website has a cute mermaid tail on a toddler in a stroller. All she needs to do is talk her friends into dressing as undersea characters as well and they can push her around while she lounges on a wheeled bed of coral and seaweed.


Or were you thinking of something a tad less elaborate?? :lol:


Sorry, Scrap. I have a few days left to figure out how to turn old green curtains into a Robin Hood era cloak, so I feel your pain.

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What's for breakfast/lunch?


Breakfast: No idea. It's almost lunch time. (Kids fed themselves pumpkin muffins. I forgot to eat... I don't like eating too early, so some days I put it off so long I just forget all together.)


Lunch: No idea. Guess I'd better get cracking on that.


Where are you off to today? :auto:


Wednesday is busy day around here. Bible studies, library, supper at church, pick up one more costume item, and pick up last minute market needs for the weekend.


Last week, we took our school on the road with us and the kids loved it (got more done in 2 hours than we normally get done all day at home), so they have asked if we could do it every Wednesday. We'll try taking a few things today and see how it goes.


Does anyone have any idea how I can make a mermaid tail for my 13yo daughter's Halloween costume?


No idea. Anything I can think of would be really heavy and prevent her from being able to stand up.


I need to make a Sith robe, knight's helmet, and Hogwarts robe... by Friday. Um, yeah. Help!

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Good Morning.

Breakfast was .... Leftover frittata. yummy. I'm out of granola again, but this was a nice change. I'm making gf bread to go with carrot soup for dinner.


Not going any where until cello tonight. It's my very busy day at work, and it is snowing. The kids played out in the snow for 1 1/2 hours this morning after breakfast. I've had my BIG meeting for the day and have two more. I still need to get school accomplished.


Not crafty. Sorry. Can't help you.

Edited by Karen in CO
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Breakfast: One fried egg, over easy, on a slice of ham, on a slice of whole wheat toast, and a cup of tea. This is the first wheat I've had in 2 weeks. I've learned some things in the meantime. I don't think I have a wheat problem to the extent that others do. So I am refining my diet but not going totally gluten free. I've decided to cut out almost all sweets and white flour products unless it is a special occasion (a holiday or a birthday). After two weeks of no wheat, it suddenly doesn't seem like such a hard thing to do. I've lost my taste for a lot of it, too. I do think I will stick to the "only 3 servings of grain a day" rule.


I feel slimmer and my pants are slightly looser when I put them on, but I haven't weighed or measured lately. Maybe I should go do that. I guess I'll find out soon if adding back a little whole grain wheat is going to be a problem.


Lunch: white chili, a few plain tortilla chips, and an apple.


Going: nowhere but church this evening.


Mermaid tail: I've got three boys at home, my mind is on homemade borgs and mummies, a mermaid tail is off my radar.

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The Lodge was not open yesterday because I was having a very rough day. As I told my husband, it had nothing to do with the kids and everything to do with the 6 inches between my ears. AKA "the fear of self-doubt". :tongue_smilie: I'm so sorry that you were having a rough day yesterday, Scrap! We missed you and the Lodge!


Anyway, I'm doing better today, so far. I'm glad to hear this!


Let's open up the shades in here and get the coffee brewing! I'm ready for some great conversation sprinkle with a healthy dose of laughter! :D


What's for breakfast/lunch?


Breakfast was waffles and orange juice for the kids. Nothing for me. Morning snack was courtesy of the "sample ladies" at BJ's Warehouse! LOL! Lunch was leftover quesadillas and rice from last night's dinner. Dinner tonight will be Caribbean Chicken, black beans over jasmine rice, and grilled pineapple.


Where are you off to today?

DD14 had her literature/writing co-op class this morning, so we dropped her off for that and then ran errands while we were in town. We managed to cover BJ's Warehouse, the grocery store, and Petsmart -- all in an hour and fifteen minutes! Now we're home for lunch, "quiet time" for the littles, and some schoolwork before heading out to children's choir later this afternoon and to drop dd14 off at her dance classes. I also have to work tonight (9pm until after midnight).


Does anyone have any idea how I can make a mermaid tail for my 13yo daughter's Halloween costume?


Can you create a "mermaid tail" outline out of a wire hanger and then attach the fabric (or posterboard) tail???


My dd7 wanted to be a penguin and my dd4 wanted to be a Panda. I ended up convincing them to be a nurse and a chef, since we already had the necessary items for those costumes!

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