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Flagstaff or Prescott, Arizona?

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We are in need of a larger house and I am in need of getting out of the desert! However, a large part of our homeschool community, friends, and acquaintances (read: our network) is located here. So, if possible, we'd like to not move too far away. Which is why we're looking at Prescott or Flagstaff.


Have any of you ever LIVED in either one of those towns? I'm only interested in responses from those who have lived there. I have visited both places myself so I know what it's like to visit there. Just need to know what it's like to LIVE there. Thanks!



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I live in Flagstaff. We love it... Beautiful weather, four seasons, a huge variety of outdoor activities, friendly people, and a laid back atmosphere compared with the hustle and bustle in the valley.


There is a large population of homeschooling families, which surprised me when we moved here 4 years ago.


Do you have any specific questions?

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Oh, thank goodness! I was specifically looking for homeschooling info, like is there a community there at all? So, that's really good news to hear! Are you going to be around town (in Flag) tomorrow afternoon? The kids and I may head up there for a bit to get out of the heat and give hubby some time to do some work from home.


Are you part of a homeschool group that meets regularly?

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Wow!! Dh and I were just talking the other day about him applying for a site in Flagstaff, AZ within his company(he works on wind turbines). Good to know there are a lot of homeschoolers there. There are not a lot where we live. We are currently living in West Texas, and hoping to move elsewhere, soon!!

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I have lived in Prescott, Az and my mother still owns an art gallery there on the square. It is a wonderful place, but still mostly high desert. The west, south, and some of the north sides have pine forests, but chino and prescott valley are definitively high desert.


I am not connected to the homeschool community, but I know it is active. I would move back in a heartbeat.

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Simka, good to know! I think the kids and I will head to Flag tomorrow for a visit. Prescott will be for another day. I love to visit there, too!


April, wouldn't it be cool if we became neighbors? ;) I have a 13yo dd and a 7yo ds, so I'm sure at least some of our kids would get along. :D

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Oh yea, that would be really neat!! :D And my kids make friends with everybody, regardless of ages, so I'm sure they'd all get along great!! =)


I'll let you know if dh decides to apply there or not. He interviewed for a different position on Thursday, so we're waiting to hear back on that right now. Depending on that will determine whether or not he applies for AZ.

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Oh, thank goodness! I was specifically looking for homeschooling info, like is there a community there at all?


Are you part of a homeschool group that meets regularly?


The largest homeschool group in Flagstaff is Flagstaff Home Educators. There is also an elective school for local homeschoolers called Cornerstone that meets one day a week.


I don't know anything about Prescott, but I would think they would have a homeschool group too.

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I was born and raised in Flagstaff. If you are moving from the valley it will be quite the shock to your blood. It is a beautiful place, but much much colder than the valley. Even in the summer it is usually windy. I loved growing up there. My mom basically started the first hs community. It is good to hear that hsing is thriving there. If you want to get away from the traffic of the valley, Flag can have pretty bad traffic at times. It is funny because when I was born everything was closed on Sundays and Kmart was the only big store. I still visit often, since I live in a different mountain area of AZ. Have fun in your search.

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