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My battle between FLL and WWE


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We used FLL and WWE in the past. I liked it and noticed improvements with both my kids, but my kids hated it. I am not seeing the progress, with what they are using now. I would like to go back. Do you think I could just use one program, instead of the two programs? Which one would you use? I think both programs over lap some, but I would like some help with deciding. Anyone used just one, and how did it work?



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What exactly did the kids hate? Was it the scripting? You can go off script and just teach the lesson. Was it the narrations? I'd make them do them anyway. ;)


If I were to choose just one, I'd choose WWE, and analyze the sentence more than what's in WWE. You could look at FLL yourself to get ideas of what to look for and how to teach it, without the kids knowing you're using FLL.


Also, make sure the kids are placed correctly. My son didn't like FLL1 in first grade because it was too easy. FLL2 was a bit better, but it was still too easy for him. Now we're doing FLL3 in 2nd grade, and it's a much better fit. He likes it pretty well. Is it his favorite subject? No. But he does like diagramming, and FLL3 also sometimes throws in movement exercises (like standing up if I say a proper noun, sitting if I say a common noun). He enjoys those a lot. :)


Maybe if you can pinpoint what exactly they don't like about the programs, you'll be able to adjust them to work better.

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What ages/grades? FLL covers grammar, primarily and WWE builds writing skills, primarily. I would consider using FLL and then try to implement WWE without the workbooks. In other words, look at the pattern of narration/copywork/dictation that applies to their level (or even make up your own pattern). If you have a 3rd or 4th grader you could do dictation twice a week (personally, if we do dictation, I choose sentences much easier than the ones in the WWE workbooks) and oral narration once/week and written narration once/week - or whatever makes sense to you based on their current level. I think the narrations seems less burdensome if you're doing them in context of your other content subjects - history, science, literature.

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If I were to choose between the two, I would say that WWE is way more important than FLL. Many people wait until 3rd grade or older to do grammar. (I am actually planning on picking up with FLL at the 3rd grade level.)


My dd6 hated WWE at the beginning of the year. I think the biggest reason is that she lacked writing stamina. She fought me for a couple of weeks, but then I explained to her that she needed to build up her muscles. I promised her that if she did it, by the end of the year, she would be able to write as much as she wanted and would not be limited by a tired hand.


Things are better now. She still doesn't like it, but she doesn't like any paperwork. But I see her learning how to build complete sentences and strengthening her hand by writing.


Honestly, I don't think you absolutely need to have WWE. I could easily use my spelling program to create sentences for her to copy. And we could be doing narrations from anything and everything. But I like the structure, and dd6 does better when she knows what to expect, so I am sticking with the program.

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What are you using now?

I switched from FLL/WWE last year to WWW/GWG this year and was about to switch back for the very same reasons you mentioned, until I realized it wasn't the curriculum per se - it was me. I needed to stay hands on, especially with these 2 subjects.

I think it depends on what you are using and how you are using it....

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I tried to do FLL and WWE multiple times with my first 2 kids. And they hated it, too. I think my problem was the scripting in both programs, and the redundancy in FLL.


I'm now doing WWE using the hardback book and choosing my own copywork/dictation/narration from our lit selections. I think this will work much better. I'm not adding a whole "writing" program, I'm just adding WWE skills into the literature work that we were already doing.


I'll add another vote for doing WWE. I've given up on making FLL work for us, but I've found other grammar programs that I like, so dropping FLL hasn't been the end of the world.

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I would say stick with FLL even if they hate it. After all the many, many I have tried FLL is the only one that produced retention. WWE is intended to build writing skills, not grammar.

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I use both for my dd and ds. I really cut down on the repetition. If it says do it three times, we tend to just do it one time. I also kind of meld two lessons together at a time and take a day off in between, especially if it is focused on the same skill.


This goes so fast that, it gets done and they have yet to complain. I love that even with changing things on the fly, it is scripted to the point that I don't have to plan ahead of time.

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I use both for my dd and ds. I really cut down on the repetition. If it says do it three times, we tend to just do it one time.


I do this also. I combined lessons in FLL1/2, but not in 3. The lessons in 3 have so far been too long to do that. I even had to split one review lesson over two days because it was long! Most of the lessons are a decent length, but I just wouldn't want to do 2 of them. I definitely go off script though. Just skim ahead and see what you're teaching, then teach it. It's still open and go. I don't have to read ahead of our lesson time. I just skim real quick while he's writing something else (in FLL3 workbook).

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