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s/o vaccination.....the hep B vaccine

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I know that the Hep B vaccine is the one given in the hospital. I don't remember my other two getting it. I'm sure they did though. Do they just whisk them away and give them the shot? Or do I have to sign something first? I DO NOT want this baby, who is due any time now, to receive the vaccination.....I'm wondering if this is something they will ask me, or I will have to sign for, or should I put it in writing beforehand? Does anyone know?

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The hep B has been given at birth, then withdrawn and now it is given at birth again, so your others may not have gotten it. They do it minutes after birth, when they put the drops in their eyes and give the vit k shot, at my hospital. I told them at check in and at delivery and right after mine were born that I wanted none of the above.

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We put it in our birth plan, and told the pediatrician. If "your" ped is the doing the newborn visit, just inform him or her ahead of time. If you are using the on-call ped (as we had to) do put it in your birth plan AND have dh keep a careful watch. Even though we had specified that baby was not to leave the room for *any* reason, it seemed someone was always trying to "take him to the nursery" for this or that. He stayed with us all the time.

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Mother/Baby a.k.a. Postpartum nurse here. We administer the Hepatitis B vaccine, IF the parent requests and signs the consent for it, within 12 hours after birth. It is absolutely not a problem for you to skip it, and no one should even think of giving it without your written consent.

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When I had my last baby they asked if I wanted the Hep at the hospital or if I would follow up at the dictor's office. I told the hospital staff I would follow up with the doctor. At that time I had decided to delay vaccines so I did not let the baby out of my sight, just in case . . .

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I was at the delivery when my niece had her first baby. She had told EVERY one that she did not want her baby to have this shot. I think they came in 3 or 4 times trying to convince her to have it done. She was consistent in she did NOT want it done. I went to the car to get everything ready there and when I came back there was yet another nurse in the room trying to get her to let the baby have this shot. I really had stayed out of it until then but that made me just a bit irritated. I asked the nurse if my niece had not been heard the other times she had said NO! I guess I am sharing because in some placed they are insistent that this needs to be done.

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