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Anisocoria (unequal pupils) - any experience?

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DD4yr had her eyes tested at preschool at the end of September. I just got the results back and she was marked as "refer". The referral reason was anisocoria, which after researching, I discovered was unequal pupils. I attached the pic they included with the results, so you can see how uneven they are.


The information online is pretty vague and says it could be any number of things from "nothing" to a brain tumor. Has anybody had a similar situation? How did it end?


Thanks for any advice......I'm a little concerned.


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has she hit her head recently? This could cause unequal pupils. How long have they been unequal?


Not that I know of. The test was Sept. 27th and I don't recall any head injuries or illness in the days leading up to the test or the day of the test.


How long?? I have no idea. I didn't even know they were uneven until the test results came in the mail today. I've looked at them several times tonight and it seems that they are the most obviously uneven in low light....I think.

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My youngest has had this problem for a long time now. I'm not really sure when it started. He started seeing a pediatric ophthamologist every 6 months. The first visit they dialated his eyes and gave him a checkup. The next visits were just checkups. Between visits they wanted me to watch out to see if anything changed about him. From what they have told me, this is just how my son is made. It used to happen very often, now it does not happen as much.


Get an appointment with someone who works with kids and get it checked out. No need to worry right now, just get it looked at.



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My youngest has this and it's very noticeable. It has been since birth. It's gotten a bit better (he's almost two), but it's still very noticeable at times. I asked the pedi at every well child visit and she checks them, but says there's nothing to worry about. They respond appropriately to light and he obviously has no issues with vision(or no huge issues). At a high school athletic physical, they noticed my pupils are different sizes, but it's only been noted that one time. I've never noticed mine being different.

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Do you have a nearby University with a School of Optometry? I would try to take her somewhere like that.


I don't think there is an optometry school in Iowa. They have one at the University of Indiana and one in Chicago. I would second this recommendation. They will do a full battery of tests--a full 3-4 hr exam and have pediatric specialists.

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I don't think there is an optometry school in Iowa. They have one at the University of Indiana and one in Chicago. I would second this recommendation. They will do a full battery of tests--a full 3-4 hr exam and have pediatric specialists.


After looking.....I think you're right. I stand corrected :)


At this stage though, is it really worth a trip to Chicago (3.5-4hr from us), or do we just go to the local eye doctor first and see what they say/do??

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After looking.....I think you're right. I stand corrected :)


At this stage though, is it really worth a trip to Chicago (3.5-4hr from us), or do we just go to the local eye doctor first and see what they say/do??

I would skip the optometrist and go to an ophthalmologist. We have some fantastic ones in CR (and one that I would avoid). I would definitely see one here first. Let me know if you need a recommendation.

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Geez....I totally forgot to come update here!


Eye doctor said her eyes are completely healthy and although she is slightly farsighted, she does not need glasses at this time. It appears to be just the way she was made :)

I'm glad it turned out to be nothing to worry about. Something like 20% of the population has benign anisocoria, so I was guessing that's what they'd say.

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Can I just add a small request - anytime you have to note health history or send your daughter to an activity/sports type situation, please not this on her medical history form. As a former athletic trainer, I had an athlete in my care that had unequal pupils naturally. It was not noted on his history and I only discovered it while evaluating him for a possible concussion, causing me to shift into "possible serious head injury" mode immediately. We were very close to having an ambulance dispatched before he made it clear that the uneven pupils were normal for him. He still got a full careful eval but it would have been very helpful to know that before the possible injury as it would have given me a chance to see his "normal" before I had to evaluate him in an injury situation.


Glad your DD got a good report from the dr!

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Can I just add a small request - anytime you have to note health history or send your daughter to an activity/sports type situation, please not this on her medical history form. As a former athletic trainer, I had an athlete in my care that had unequal pupils naturally. It was not noted on his history and I only discovered it while evaluating him for a possible concussion, causing me to shift into "possible serious head injury" mode immediately. We were very close to having an ambulance dispatched before he made it clear that the uneven pupils were normal for him. He still got a full careful eval but it would have been very helpful to know that before the possible injury as it would have given me a chance to see his "normal" before I had to evaluate him in an injury situation.


Glad your DD got a good report from the dr!


Oooh!! Very good point that I wouldn't have thought of. DD is a gymnast, so this would definitely be something we should have noted.

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