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Self Taught Cursive?

Twilight Woods

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I say go ahead and start but still work on printing. dd6 has been pushing me to start cursive for well over a year. We finally started in September and I've found it's improving her printing and she's coming along well. I'm using HWOT and there was a section in the teacher guide about teaching cursive to children to help improve their printing. I don't have the information with me now but I remember thinking when I read it that if I had that information I probably would have started cursive when she first asked for it.

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My dd 5 started doing the same thing. She's been begging to learn "pretty writing". I have been looking around and I have asked the forum. Pretty unanimously across the board everyone suggested StartWrite. Also, if you are looking for a more structured approach you can get books C and up for Getty Dubay. Also Penny Gardner has a $10 ebook that everyone speaks highly about. I know I will definitely get Startwrite and I keep fluctuating on Penny Gardner for something for me to work off of.

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I agree with the previous posters, run with her desire to learn cursive. My dd got impatient that I wanted to hold off teaching her print, so she figured out a lot on her own...once I saw that I started teaching her print. Then she started doing the same thing as your dd and asking for cursive. She's now learning cursive and doing a great job. My main concern is making sure she doesn't develop bad writing habits. I have also heard that cursive can improve print.

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