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So this is just wrong, isn't it?

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I agreed with your original premise ("this is just wrong") from that point ("ham salad"). Didn't need to read any more. :P


I mean... Ham ... SALAD?!?!??


(and no, I couldn't care less which gooey white stuff you're mixing with your ham, or if you mix 'em together... gross, gross, gross!)




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Actually, there is one purpose and one purpose only for Miracle Whip, and that is to put in on tomato sandwiches. The sweet tangy flavor mixes nicely with juicy ripe tomatoes. But that is all.


I only purchase Miracle Whip once a year... a small jar. The sole purpose for MW is for a turkey sandwich on Thanksgiving evening! :)

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I don't get Miracle Whip hatred. I suggested miracle whip in a broccoli salad and another person suggested mayo with vinegar and sugar. Uh. Why go through the trouble when miracle whip is mayo with vinegar and sugar?


When I was a child mayo would make me gag. I once got in trouble for making tuna salad with the tiniest dab of mayo that I could manage. My mom came along and glopped a big spoonful in and I refused to eat it.

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I haven't read the whole thread, so perhaps someone already said this but.

That is a double travesty. Yes, I agree that mayonnaise and The Anti-Mayonnaise should never be mixed. Actually The Anti-Mayonnaise really shouldn't be eaten at all. Ever. But even worse is the fact that you're talking about ham salad. Ham. Salad.


There are only a few things that I Simply Don't Want to Eat, and that is one of them.


Is that just me? :D


I had never seen ham salad before coming to NC. I thought it was unusual and I am not sure I have eaten it yet. But, the more I think about it, it really isn't any different than a salad with chicken or tuna, right?:)

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I had never seen ham salad before coming to NC. I thought it was unusual and I am not sure I have eaten it yet. But, the more I think about it, it really isn't any different than a salad with chicken or tuna, right?:)


Pretty much. Some pulverize the ham -- grind it up to mush. Dh just chops into little squares. And it is much better than tuna salad (yuck).

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I had never seen ham salad before coming to NC. I thought it was unusual and I am not sure I have eaten it yet. But, the more I think about it, it really isn't any different than a salad with chicken or tuna, right?:)


It is indeed vastly different. Ham is smoky and salty. It is pink. It should never be combined with mayonnaise. It just tastes bad. Ham needs a more pungent condiment, which is why it goes so well with a hearty mustard or even horseradish. Even so, I'd never chunk it up and make a salad of ham and mustard.

On the other hand, chicken, turkey, and tuna match perfectly with mayonnaise.


I can't explain it. And of course it's all subject to personal preference and this is all very tongue in cheek. But nope, the short answer to your question is that I think that ham salad is totally different than the other kinds. :D

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It is indeed vastly different. Ham is smoky and salty. It is pink. It should never be combined with mayonnaise. It just tastes bad. Ham needs a more pungent condiment, which is why it goes so well with a hearty mustard or even horseradish. Even so, I'd never chunk it up and make a salad of ham and mustard.

On the other hand, chicken, turkey, and tuna match perfectly with mayonnaise.


I can't explain it. And of course it's all subject to personal preference and this is all very tongue in cheek. But nope, the short answer to your question is that I think that ham salad is totally different than the other kinds. :D


Ham salad usually does have a tad of mustard in it, you know;). Along with the mayo. Maybe it's a Southern thang!

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I think he's just trying to get out of ever being allowed to make a sandwich again. :)


No, he likes making things like that. He was just trying to make everyone happy with their choices and didn't think about it too much. He got a good chuckle out of all these responses though!:lol: I told him he was really outnumbered. He just laughed!

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I agreed with your original premise ("this is just wrong") from that point ("ham salad"). Didn't need to read any more. :P


I mean... Ham ... SALAD?!?!??


(and no, I couldn't care less which gooey white stuff you're mixing with your ham, or if you mix 'em together... gross, gross, gross!)



Ham salad is GOOOOOODDDDD!!


...but not with Miracle Whip I can't stand the stuff. DH loves it, but *I* do the shopping and most of the cooking so he loses, HA-HA!

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Yes yes yes! :iagree: Tuna salad without Miracle Whip is like scrambled eggs without ketchup! Wrong. Just wrong!


I can't stand the sight of ketchup on scrambled eggs, it just grosses me out. I like ketchup on my egg sandwiches, as long as I don't have to look at it.


I admit to being wierd :D

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I cannot imagine making tuna salad without Miracle Whip. It tastes yucky with mayo. Heck, everything tastes yucky with mayo, IMO.


I don't get what's wrong with people's taste buds. :D




:D:lol::lol: I would have said the same about people who eat MW.

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I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm a mayo girl all the way. My orientation is quite unwavering. But, why shouldn't the Miracle Whippers have an equal shot at fulfilling their essential Whippiness? I mean, don't all cholesterol laden substance abusers have the right to an equal opportunity kitchen? Just because I choose the more traditional approach, should I rule out Whip based on a preconceived notion that Whip is wrong? Moreover, is it really my place to judge? Your husband clearly has an interest in cross dressings. Rather than shunning his approach, I think you should try to embrace it. You never know -- you might find it sweeter than you imagine.




I think this right ought to be on all the presidential platforms. This thread has convinced me that the MW vs Mayo debate is of national concern;). I was able to rep you, but my rep is only worth 1 point, unlike some of the others who would have if they could have.

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I can't stand the sight of ketchup on scrambled eggs, it just grosses me out. I like ketchup on my egg sandwiches, as long as I don't have to look at it.


I admit to being wierd :D


What kind of "egg sandwiches" do you eat that you could put ketchup on??:confused:


And do I really want to know???

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What kind of "egg sandwiches" do you eat that you could put ketchup on??:confused:


And do I really want to know???


I'm thinking she means something like a fried egg sandwich with Taylor Ham (pork roll) and cheese on a hard roll.


That's what we'd eat around here anyway...


(I don't mean "we" as in "I". I mean "we" in the collective sense.)

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What kind of "egg sandwiches" do you eat that you could put ketchup on??:confused:


And do I really want to know???


Oh you know: You fry up an egg and put cheese on top and maybe some kind of processed, high-cholesterol, high-fat, preservative laden meat product and put it between a bagel or english muffin or two slices of toast.

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