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Jewish WTMers: Best place to order a dreidel?


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I've bought many at Target, Publix, etc. If you just wait until Hannukah is close, they'll probalby be everywhere. They're not expensive, either. I've bought packages of small wooden ones for about $5.


This is a good idea, but I think I will need it in the next couple of weeks. I keep running into this problem with SOTW - I needed Easter eggs for a project a couple of weeks ago (which I fortunately scrounged out of the holiday closet), and I just bought blue body paint from the Halloween section for when we hit Celts during the winter. I wish there was some way to highlight the seasonal project items so I remember to buy them when they are actually available!


I will have to check Amazon. Thanks!

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Craft stores have Christmas/Holiday seasonal items out now, so I'd try there. Also, I know Family Christian Books and some of the other Christian bookstores have a small section of Judaic items around Hanukkah and Passover (but always seem to miss the rest of the Jewish Calendar), so they may well have some in the back waiting to be put out in a few weeks. And, for future reference, Oriental trading has items for just about any holiday you'd want, all year long. They're not in their catalogs, but if you go on the website, you can order off season-and usually the items will be on sale. Which reminds me-I think I have some halloween craft supplies hiding in the closet that I bought last summer that I should pull out before the Co-op Halloween party :).

Edited by dmmetler
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