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Serl's PLL and ILL: What is needed? Ack!


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My middle child used just the hard cover - Lost Classics edition, and regular paper and dry erase board and out loud exercises too.


My youngest - I splurged and got the workbook version from living books. that way I could have it all in one place to show to her speech therapist.


The Lost Classics teacher edition didn't exist when my middle gal did the program. I didn't have trouble without one. But I was on another board where people asked a lot of questions, so one day I got a crazy idea to put together a bunch of notes to use the lost classics edition. then of course they publisher's a teacher's version with 'extra seat work" and such.


here are my notes



From what I've heard people like the teacher's guide - not a huge cost over 2 years. has extra teaching notes, more answer keys, and a rubric at the back for evaluating. I was fine without all of that. But it's nice having stuff out there now



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I like the primarylanguagelessons.com workbooks better than Living Books Curriculum versions. I've seen both and I much prefer the formatting of Cynthia's version to LBC's.


The teacher's guide isn't a must have IMO, but you could use it with the workbook version if you felt you needed it.


I would have loved having a workbook version when I did PLL a couple of years ago!

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Do you use "just the hardcover text" or do you use a workbook format such as ILL with Living Books Curriculum?


Do you use a Teacher's Guide? I've seen these around on the web.


What exactly do you use and why? WHERE do you purchase these items? :001_smile:




When we did this I had the Hardcover textbook, the workbook and the teachers edition. You only NEED the hardcover textbook OR the workbook. You do not need all 3. I liked having them because I could look in the textbook as we were doing a lesson, or if it was not a writing lesson dd would use the textbook and I liked the teachers edition because of all the extension ideas it gave. You do not need all 3 though!



Everything is self contained in the textbook, OR the workbook and the teachers edition is not necessary at all- just a nice convenience.

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