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Public school assessment?

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Okay, I just need to ask again... is there ANY point in my pursuing an assessment through the public schools if I am suspecting SPD? I have a feeling our insurance isn't going to cover much, if anything, and money is tight. I just don't want to bypass any free assessment/treatment that might be available. Ds is 8, so we're beyond early intervention. Worth a call? Or do schools just test homeschoolers for learning disabilities?

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Not for SPD. My experience with the ps is that they do Response to Intervention for 6 weeks, then test IQ and achievement. In addition, they may do an OT evaluation, but that is specifically about handwriting. None of that would cover SPD.


Would these things be helpful to know/have done, if I am not sure about the SPD? It would be nice to know he's of average/above average IQ, for instance... though I'm not sure I *need* that info. His handwriting is poor, so that would be nice to hear feedback on but isn't my central concern.


Are there risks with consulting the schools? I know I have a right to homeschool and they can't force me to put him in public school based on their findings. But I'm still a bit uneasy. Unfounded homeschooler paranoia, or legit?

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:grouphug: I *so* understand. I know most of the testing and services we could get through the public school system here but I wanted to a true evaluation(ADHD, Aspergers, memory and processing issues). With school systems having funds cut I was worried that they would say what would benefit them. I am not sure what you are thinking he may need but our insurance is covering OT and speech therapy. The test results haven't processed through insurance yet and I am on pins and needles until I see if they pay for the actual testing(we only had a co-pay for the initial neuro appt). Good luck.

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Janie, to figure out what your insurance will cover, you need to FIND the OT you want to use and talk with them. They will know how to code things, how to get the ped referral, etc. etc. so all the paperwork is in order so your insurance will cover the most possible. They'll know what codes will get it covered and what won't. Maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised and they can help you get your insurance to cover more than you expect.

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DS's private evaluation compared to the public school one was night and day. The private found a lot more issues. The public one missed a lot of things.


This was our experience as well. I also think it makes a huge difference if you are in one of the 25+ states that require insurance coverage for neuro-developmental conditions such as autism. We are not, and I have found our insurance covers nothing for SPD, but the experience of friends in other states with those protections has been very different. I would look into the laws in your state.

Edited by FairProspects
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