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Foreign Language

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I am considering adding a foreign language to our studies next year. I would be a for a 5th grader.


Should I wait until jr. high???


What have you used that youe really liked and worked for them to truly learn and use the lang.??


My daughter goes with her grandparents to spanish speaking countries, twice a year thus we would be studying spanish. I would like her to learn to learn to communicate with those that she might come in contact with at the resorts they stay at.

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:iagree: We like the Power Glide program. They have a children's, junior (for your 5th grader) and high school program. It gets children talking even if they haven't worked out all the grammar. We use a tutor and college textbooks in highschool.

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Definitely the earlier you start foreign languages, the better! Younger students pick it up more easily, and older students often don't have the extra time that younger ones have to really devote to learning a new language. I would say go for it now!

:iagree: The earlier the better! I have my 8 and 10 yods in a Spanish class once a week and we use Elementary Spanish on Discovery Streaming daily. They are doing well and my 3 yods is picking it up just by listening to them.

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I agree that earlier is better, I have been using Ecoutez, Parlez this past year with my olders, but even my 4 year old is picking it up. Next year we will also be doing Spanish using a program identical to the french one but in spanish of course. The kids love learning the basic conversational without worry of reading and writing just yet. of course in addition to those we do latin.


The language program we use starts with ch 1 becing phrases like hello, how are you, my name is and ages. Then you get into the family, names of fruits etc. You do eah chapter everyday for 9 days then move on, once done with a book you move to the next. There is 4 books in the spanish program which would take 18-24 months to do them all if you did not take breaks in learning for summer/xmas etc. My kids are starting gr 4&5 so same age as yours and foreign languages is one of their favorite things to learn

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I wouldn't wait to start, as long as your DD is interested. If she sees the practicality in it (conversing with native speakers) all the better.


What kind of a learner is she? For those who are auditory I highly suggest Pimsleur. For more visual learners Rosetta Stone is great (and it really has both audio/visual). Both programs use an "immersion" type approach with no direct translating. When we teach that ball=pelota then we train our brains to do one extra function (I see a round and bouncy thing, the word for it is ball, I think ball=pelota, I say pelota). Instead, with immersion the goal is to train you to think in the foreign language (I see a round and bouncy thing, the word for it is pelota, I say pelota).


The programs are kind of pricey. We used Pimsleur via the library. We use Rosetta Stone free through DH's work. If price isn't a factor, go with one of these superb programs. Have fun!

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My dd is using Visual Link Spanish and is really enjoying it. It's visual. She has learned a lot from it!



I've been flirting with this for DD as an accompaniment/supplement for The Learnables. She's currently using Power Glide Middle School (online), but it's not a good program for her -- far too much English, too little Spanish.


Does your daughter use the CD's as well as the CD-ROM lessons? How does it work? I'm can't get a good feel from the website where the CD's fit in, how long the lessons are, or even what the scope and sequence may be.

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I've been flirting with this for DD as an accompaniment/supplement for The Learnables. She's currently using Power Glide Middle School (online), but it's not a good program for her -- far too much English, too little Spanish.


Does your daughter use the CD's as well as the CD-ROM lessons? How does it work? I'm can't get a good feel from the website where the CD's fit in, how long the lessons are, or even what the scope and sequence may be.

She is just starting out with this. Since we've been so busy, I've just let her play with it and look through it as she wishes. Next year I want it to be a more set class during the week.


SOOOOO, I don't know the answers to your questions YET. I am starting to organize things and figure out lessons and how things will fit together next year now and over the summer. I need to look through what we have (yes we do have the cd's. We got a fantastic deal from the company and got it for less thn 1/2 price!) still!


Sorry I couldn't be more help! Ask me again in a couple of months and I should have it figured out by then! :)


However, I DO know that she really enjoyes the visuals they have, and HAS learned, even with just playing around. Her brother is going on a mission trip to Chile this summer, and she typed up a list of words and phrases he should know, she said, before he goes! :D I was quite impressed (though I'll admit I AM biased! ;) ) with the list, and that she thought it up and typed up the list with interpretations al by herself, without looking at the cd's!


She played around with the program on-line for awhile before the offered deal when we bought it. Maybe you can have your dd do that and see if she likes it?


I need to be more hands on with this now, since she's older! besides, I want to learn too! :) I will let you know when I learn more!

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We did Latin when my boys were 2nd and 4th, but we just did one year. DS14 has been studying Greek though for some time. He just got more serious about it this school year though, so has learned a lot more this year than in previous years! :) He's starting simple Hebrew next year, and will progress in that enough to get the ideas down. He wants to be a youth pastor, so is getting a jump on seminary Greek and Hebrew! :D

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