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Advice for Tendinitis? (Posterior tibial -- ankle/arch)

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This seemed to hit suddenly in both feet on August 1st, so about 2-1/2 months ago. My GP said to take 2 Aleve twice a day, stop exercise, and wear supportive shoes. After 6 weeks of this with ups and downs, I went to a podiatrist 2 weeks ago. He gave me a prescription anti-inflammatory (2 weeks' worth) and I've had a generic (PowerStep) orthotic for a week now. It seemed like it was improving, but it's flared up once again!


Any advice on how I can knock this out? I gather that tendons take a long time to heal, but I wish I was seeing lasting improvement, even if gradual!

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I had the same problem and it lasted almost a year. I eventually became tired of it and started taping it tightly and working out to strenghten my calf muscle. I lost 10 lbs., strengthened my calf and the pain went away. I did add inserts to my gym shoes and stopped wearing sandals/flip flops as well.

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I had the same problem and it lasted almost a year. I eventually became tired of it and started taping it tightly and working out to strenghten my calf muscle. I lost 10 lbs., strengthened my calf and the pain went away. I did add inserts to my gym shoes and stopped wearing sandals/flip flops as well.


Will you give me more specifics? Did you use KT tape according to the instructional videos at the website? (Did this earlier today and wondering how effective it will be.) What did you do to strengthen your calf and why was that helpful?


Thanks for chiming in!!

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When mine flares, I use Ibuprofen and Omega-3s. Someone told me about the Omega-3s and I was very skeptical. I'm not one of those who is all about taking nutritional supplements. However, I actually had some leftover from when I was pregnant. In a day, I felt better. After 2 days, I had no more pain. Now I take them every day and I haven't had another flare up.

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I tore my Post Tib tendon three years ago. I had to have surgery to repair it; then it started to tear again so I had another surgery that has basically realigned my foot. I am not recovered yet... 4 months later.


I have had this pain for over 25 years. I wore the inserts and good tennis shoes - never could wear cute shoes for long. Icing is extremely helpful as is an ace bandage. (I have skin reaction to the tape so that didn't work for me.)


If your pain doesn't improve, you will need to go in for a MRI. Before the tendon rips it becomes "boggy" or "spongey' think of a rubberband that has been overstretched. If you are at the stage, you will want to take drastic measure to help this heal itself. I have had a lot of physical thearapy to help improve blood flow. I was told that the PTT has the worst blood supply and is very slow to heal. I was put in a cast before the surgery so that I would stay completely off of it. Of course if it is in both of your feet - not an option. They may put you in an orthotic boot for one of your feet; that is helpful. The thing is when the dr. says to stay off of it; he means it. Currently I am supposed to stay off my foot for 18 hours a day. That is hard! I try to sit more than ever before and just retire for the evening around 8. I limit my trips to the store as that really hurts. Sorry for the sob story, but just take this serious so you don't end up with worse.


So I would stop walking for excerise; swimming is great exercise as is bike riding.


Best of luck!

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My dd has been dealing with something similar but in her arches alone. She is a 17 yo ballet dancer and the pain was so bad in her arches that she couldn't dance for even 15 minutes. But oddly, the pain was only when she danced. We went EVERYWHERE, two docs, plus podiatrist and PT. No real diagnosis or help. Finally we went to a PT who knows dancers. By then the bottom of her feet were swollen continually and felt spongey. We went to a PT who knows dance and WOW. They diagnosed the problem immediately as tight post tib and fhl tendons in her feet. That was 1 July. They gave her exercises and stretches and she is soooo much better than before. Still not totally pain free, but she can dance again. So I'd recommend finding the best PT you can.




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You should be doing those calf raises on the stairs. I forget what they are called, but you stand on a step and do calf raises. You let you heal go down below the step, so that it stretches a bit, but don't do it down far enough to feel pain. You start by doing both feet at the same time, 3 sets of 8 to 10 with rest between each set. When that is doable and there isn't pain, go to one foot at a time. You need to go down slowly, counting to 10 (anything to make it slow). Go up deliberately, not fast, but not as slowly as you went down. When you are done ice down the area. You should be doing ice 3x's a day.


Wear good shoes with support. Do not wear anything slip on (without a back),and you may want to put heal lifts in the shoes. When I first hurt my Achilles it helped, but I took it out once the pain was gone.


It took a long time for my Achilles to heal. You have to be patient.

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