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Quick..explaining my dd to new neighbor

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I am meeting the new wife of my neighbor for the first time this afternoon. She is young, has a dd about my dd's age (9-10 yo) and she is from a foreign country and does speak English. She would like my dd to to meet her dd and I am not sure if I should explain anything first about my dd. My dd is 10 but not a normal 10 yo, is on the autism spectrum, has some quirky behaviors and interests, is immature for her age. How should I explain my dd or should I even explain her at all? And will this woman understand what I am saying? I know she is looking for a friend for her dd and I think she is lonely herself having been a career woman in her former country. There are few kids in my neighborhood and the houses are spread out quite far so playing together will involve some planning. I need some advice on this one! TIA

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Does your daughter "fake it" in new social situations? Copy what the other girl does so that her responses are only a little off, but then kids kind of get turned off later? Or is she "out of step" with other kids right from the beginning?


If you have a little time to get to know the other mom before you discuss it, sometimes I think that helps. But if you think it's going to be a bit tough for the girls to get to be friends without some help, then I would just do my best to explain (in spite of the language difference).


I admit - with my son - I would err on the side of not explaining and see how he did by himself first.

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When Hobbes met a new friend the mother didn't do any explaining. She let us realise that the little boy was a bit quirky and immature, and only later told us about his Aspergers diagnosis. It think that this is the right way round: let the children work out for themselves if they will get on (assuming that there are no safety issues) and explain later.



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