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I just put salt in dry beans that are cooking

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I don't know what I was thinking. :banghead: Will the beans still get soft or are they ruined?


I always put salt in my beans from the beginning. Didn't know I wasn't suppose to. Mine are always fine. (but I'm anxious to try it your way now to see if they are better)

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Oh, whew! I always thought the salt would keep them from getting soft. Maybe that's an old wives tale and I am very guilable :D Thanks!


I thought the salt was the reason my beans in the past haven't cooked right. Once I stopped using it they seemed to be fine.


Another tip I have learned is to simmer them covered and without lifting the lid for at least 90 minutes and they come out nice and tender ;)

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I agree with Rosie. Salt added at the end does not taste the same at all.


Also, I've read that salt actually helps beans soften, and that the other *is* an oft repeated myth, so who knows? Personally, I think that the reason why a batch of beans might take a long time to get soft is more likely because they were old, not because they were salted.

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