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Something I can insert in a binder to hold a spine? Also, binder organization?


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I'd love to be able to keep the textbook/workbook with the binder that the student pages/completed pages are in. Has anyone come across anything they use to keep a book inside a binder? I know I could just slide the book in, but they have a tendency to drop out when I pull them off the shelf, and that will eventually wreck both my books and my feet! I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for, just trying to brainstorm here.


Otherwise, how do you store your books and corresponding binders? Just next to each other on a shelf? Separate places? Crate for each kid? Something else? (Last year the file folders worked really well for me, but for some reason, this year they're not, so I'm trying binders instead.)



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I worked in an office once where they had these stiff plastic, um, circular, um, I have no idea how to describe them. Shaped like rubber bands, and they went through the center of the book and then around the outside of the binder to clamp them together. No clue what they would be called.


I have had a few texts I needed in a binder, and I have just taken them to an office supply store and had the spine cut off and had them hole punched. Would that work?


Or could you just rubber band the book and binder together so they stay together on the shelf but are easy to separate and use?

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I'd love to be able to keep the textbook/workbook with the binder that the student pages/completed pages are in. Has anyone come across anything they use to keep a book inside a binder? I know I could just slide the book in, but they have a tendency to drop out when I pull them off the shelf, and that will eventually wreck both my books and my feet! I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for, just trying to brainstorm here.


Otherwise, how do you store your books and corresponding binders? Just next to each other on a shelf? Separate places? Crate for each kid? Something else? (Last year the file folders worked really well for me, but for some reason, this year they're not, so I'm trying binders instead.)




I usually just have the binding removed and get the pages three-hole punched and put them in a binder. For smaller things, I'm now using my ProClick.


ETA: I'm not sure I understand your question about storing books and corresponding binders though. My books vs the kids' books? I keep all my teacher's manuals together on my shelf and each of the kids has a shelf for books.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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Thank you all! I'll look for some of those things. The magazine holders that I did see had too narrow an opening to slide a half of a spine-sized text through, but I think either those or the rubber-band things could work for the slim TMs that I need to keep with the binders (I'm thinking specifically of my Dynamic Literacy TM here).


Depending on the weight of the book, these might work.


Excellent! I've actually been envisioning something like that for another purpose, but I didn't know what to call them! I was searching for "binder pocket" and kept coming up with planner-sized vinyl pouches. I'll see if the books I have might fit in those dimensions. I know SOTW will fit, and probably wouldn't be too heavy. I just need something to avoid hard, pointy book corners crushing my toes. I could even add more velcro if necessary.


ETA: I'm not sure I understand your question about storing books and corresponding binders though. My books vs the kids' books? I keep all my teacher's manuals together on my shelf and each of the kids has a shelf for books.


I don't want to take the spines off of my TMs, though I do remove most of the workbook spines myself (or order PDFs) and punch them. I didn't realize until I did some searching after I posted that most people seem to be doing all subjects in the same binder for a certain period of time. I'm doing a separate binder for each subject--for example, I bought the activity guide/tests for SOTW in a PDF form and printed that, the student pages, and the test pages. They're all in a binder with dividers, but I was thinking that I wanted to try to keep the SOTW spine with the binder, rather than separate somewhere. I'm trying to see if there's a feasible way to keep the spine IN the binder somehow, so they don't get separated. I have a few other subjects I'm doing the same with. Does that make more sense?


Thanks for the ideas, everyone!

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