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Girl Guide promise

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ok I looked it up…


Promise (current)

I promise to do my best,

To be true to myself, my beliefs and Canada.

I will take action for a better world

And respect the Guiding Law.


Promise (1994-2010)

I promise to do my best,

To be true to myself, my God/faith* and Canada;

I will help others,

And accept the Guiding Law.

*The word God or the word faith is chosen according to each girl's own personal convictions.


Promise (pre-1994)

I promise, on my honour, to do my best:

To do my duty to God, the Queen, and my country,

To help other people at all times,

And to obey the Guide Law.


What do you dislike? It looks like they've rewritten it to be inclusive and welcoming of all faiths/beliefs… that's awesome!


"I will take action for a better world" … love that. :D

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My daughter prefers the new one. I don't mind either way. I DO know we've had girls in my GG and Pathfinder troups (I've led both) who would have had problems with the previous promises but not the current one.


When I was a kid (atheist family, so that's what I believed then) I just said what was said, y'know? I never really even thought about it. It was like how we learned and recited The Lord's Prayer in school or sang "Oh Canada" - it didn't *mean* anything to me…. [maybe I was a shallow kid? :tongue_smilie: ] … I'm glad that it's now done in a way that everyone/anyone can take part now though!

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Ooh I like the new one!


Rosie, what on earth is the Guide law that it is longer than the Scout Law?


Eta: OK I googled, it's not so different, just more verbose.



We pack your ten laws into 8, and toss in two more, one really tuff, for good measure. You wimpy scouts!




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ok I looked it up…


Promise (current)

I promise to do my best,

To be true to myself, my beliefs and Canada.

I will take action for a better world

And respect the Guiding Law.


Promise (pre-1994)

I promise, on my honour, to do my best:

To do my duty to God, the Queen, and my country,

To help other people at all times,

And to obey the Guide Law.


I like the pre 1994 one...b/c that's the one I did. Tradition, ya know? Not saying the current is bad or anything, just new.

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I like the pre 1994 one...b/c that's the one I did. Tradition, ya know? Not saying the current is bad or anything, just new.


This is it exactly. I am fine with why they changed it but working with dd to memorize the current one for her enrollment keeps tripping me up. I was in guiding for 9 years and learned the pre-1994 promise. After 9 years I can recite it in my sleep, it is hard to work with her learning a new one when the other one comes out of my mouth automatically.

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I'm there with tradition. I still can't bring myself to get rid of my guide stuff. I've been out of guiding for 6 years or something and have no plans of enrolling my daughter. I even have my first world badge, before they changed it! The one without the plastic covering! But I think your new promise sounds classy.




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