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Steve Jobs has died

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When he stepped down there was speculation that his health was rapidly failing, but I never imagined it would be this soon. So sad. :crying:


:iagree: It reminded me of Charles Shultz; you though he would still be around for a while.


We just watched Pirates of Silicon Valley a few days ago. He and Steve and Bill... it's such an interesting story of how much grew out of that time.

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As a parent of an unpredictable, gifted 18 yo, it is fascinating-he was all over the place as a young adult. He had a huge ego-deservedly so, I'd say. He was brilliant, creative, forward-thinking, but, he wasn't all warm and fuzzy. He was, at times in his life, not a very decent or kindly person. But I don't think it's an exaggeration to say he changed many of our lives. I'm not claiming my ds is the next Steve Jobs, but the parallels, in terms of how really gifted people often don't thrive in conventional jobs, schools, or situations, are striking. As one other person said, I feel much more touched by his death, at a fairly young age, than I thought I would. He has three children who have not finished growing up yet.

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I saw Tim Challies post that Westboro plans to picket Jobs funeral.:mad:


Oh for pity's sake! :thumbdown: I hope that isn't true.


Somehow Apple and computing have always been tied up with my life and education. I'm sorry for the loss of such a visionary. I am more sorry for his family and friends-a loss hurts even when you know it is inevitable. (Putting a virtual black arm band on my MacBook.)




There is a rather long obit/bio over at the NYT as well. Much mention not only of his time at Apple but also in developing Pixar too.

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