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The Teachers Lodge 10-5-2011

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It's Wednesday, folks! I almost said, "It's almost Saturday". But after having read a devotional this morning called, "Why am I in Such a Hurry?" I don't want us to feel rushed. Yesterday I was just thinking that we're not "on track" in our Sonlight schedule to have Day 1 = Monday and then I thought, do we always need to have it perfectly ligned up?

I think what happened was I got caught up in the comparison trap again. I have a friend, also a homeschooling mom, that if her kids don't get every assignment done that day, even if they go somewhere late afternoon, when they come home, they have to finish up their schoolwork. She and I have way different teaching methods and even use totally different curricula, so why do I get caught in this trap?:confused::tongue_smilie:


Okay, enough of that!;)


What's for lunch today? Or breakfast, or both? Breakfast for me will be Quaker Oatmeal Squares accompanied by dreams of moving to Wyoming.:)

Don't know about lunch.


What are you thankful for today? I'm thankful that our weather is FINALLY getting cooler during the day! A couple of days this week it's only supposed to be in the 70s! Woohoo!


What do you wish for today? I wish there was such thing as a Decluttering House Fairy that would wave her magic wand and help me get rid of unnecessary clutter faster so that we can move!:auto:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Ahhh I'm not good at patience and/or letting things go, either. Must work on my therapeutic deep breathing ;)


Lunch today will be burritos, I think. Breakfast for the kids was waffles; I had a bowl of cereal.


I'm thankful for... healthy kids. So many kids are out with Strep and cold and whatever lately that I'm glad mine have awesome immune systems!


I'm wishing for... inner peace. I could use some of that.

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Let's see. Today is Wednesday on the calendar but is Monday on our school calendar! I plan everything on Outlook calendar but sooner or later this always happens. We miss a day or two due to illness or something and we have to keep track of both the real calendar and the school calendar.


Breakfast will be 2 eggs, a blueberry waffle, water


Lunch will be a salad with some kind of a protein, to be determined later.


I'm thankful that I finally figured out that I thought it was the wrong date on our real calendar because I was severely panicking about our finances and bill due dates.


We really need to start "Calendar Time" in our homeschool . . .

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Breakfast was toast and coffee. Lunch will be burritos, that sounds good to me too. Dinner will be a crockpot dish of coconut curry chicken.


I am thankful for healthy kids. A friend of mine's child was just diagnosed with epilepsy.


I am not thankful for the weather. The rain is here and hasn't stopped since Sunday or Monday, and we really didn't get a summer to speak of. Very depressing actually.


My wish is that I can get caught up on corrections, laundry, and get my last batch of salsa verde made and put away....the tomatillos are sitting on the counter, staring at me and they need to go away.

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It is hard to avoid comparison. It takes me some time to get back my confidence when that happens.


Lunch today will be leftovers - black beans and rice with a tomato salad.


Thankful for today? How about just thankful for the day.


I'm wishing that today goes better than the last 4 Wednesdays. This has been my worst day of the week since school started.

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Lunch will be grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.


I'm thankful for the changes I'm seeing in my 14yo as he matures. Yesterday I was just thinking how much I'm enjoying him. He is developing a sense of humor where he was very serious before. It's fun sitting, talking, and laughing with him!


One thing I wish for....hmmmm....that my youngest son's soccer team would win just ONE game this season! His team lost every single game last season and are off to the same start this season. Just one little win, that is my wish.

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We are all on a popsicle/fudgsicle diet until this crud leaves. It's 1:00 here and this is the farthest I've gotten from the bed since early last night. :)


My wish is that the kids and I are healthy enough to go to the Frankfort fall festival Saturday.


I'm thankful for Netflix and good books today.

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Lunch was the same as breakfast: Black beans/salsa/corn/shredded chicken. Plus some pretzels.


I am thankful for this gorgeous, warm fall day and that I get to wear shorts a few more times. Also thankful that Jennifer mentioned a festival in Frankfort as we were wondering what to do this weekend. (Hurry up and get rid of your crud, J and family!)


What I'm wishing for is lots of apples and butternut squash at a decent price at the farm market this afternoon. It opens in one more hour :auto: (zooming to the market to get the good stuff!)

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What's for lunch today? The kids had sandwiches, oranges and chips for lunch. I had broccoli rice and a bread stick. Breakfast was bagels and yogurt for the kids and a waffle for me.


What are you thankful for today? I'm thankful to have a restocked kitchen. I always "stock up" at the beginning of the month since dh only gets paid once per month. I'm thankful that my dh doesn't have to work at his second job tonight, so he'll be home for dinner. I'm thankful for my kids...who, even when they drive me a little crazy, are truly "good kids."


What do you wish for today? More Sleep. More Money. A Chauffeur to take the kids to some of their activities. A school room, a pantry, and another bedroom to be added on to the house. But, in reality, I know that I have more than I need and I am working on being "content" with what I have. Well, except for the sleep...I really do need more of that! :)

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