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Have you ever not disclosed that you are a homeschooling family when it would have been plenty appropriate to have done so? For example, you're in a social situation (the park, a party with many people you don't know, etc) and someone else mentions they homeschool. Have you ever not jumped in and mentioned your own homeschooling status or even said something positive about homeschooling?


The first time it happened, it was obvious that our definitions of homeschooling (btw, mine is extremely broad to cover any bonafide method) just didn't really match. Why discuss it at all in this sort of situation.


The second time it happened was yesterday. I just didn't hit it off with this woman so when it came out they homeschooled, I let it go (though possibly that would have been what could have allowed us to connect). Maybe *I* am the one that is the snob.


It just seems so odd to me. Homeschooling was my whole identity for years. It was who I was and what I did. Now, obviously, it is healthier that I'm a number of other things and do a number of other things now. However, as I'm graduating my second kiddo this year and looking forward to homeschooling the littles as it is appropriate (adoptions finalized, correct choice for each child, etc), it just seems odd to me that now I'm less inclined to tell other homeschoolers.


Have you just not talked to other homeschoolers about it?

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I don't always share. Although I don't think that I've ever not shared with someone I knew homeschooled.


I prefer people know me for me, rather than a "label". And unfortunately, many people will use "homeschooler" as a label, with a negative connotation.


I've been amazed at people, who after getting to know my family, THEN learning that we homeschool, say "Wow, you don't seem like homeschoolers"....as if to say that we are more "normal" that their perception of homeschoolers.


Hate that they have that perception, especially as most have never really interacted with homeschoolers, but on the other hand, love that we can help fix that perception, lol.

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I sort of feel like this even in our own homeschool group. We mainly just meet at the library once a month for craft and story time. I don't feel any desire to discuss homeschool or what we do. Don't know why, but I just feel like I want to let the kids have their fun and then leave.

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The second time it happened was yesterday. I just didn't hit it off with this woman so when it came out they homeschooled, I let it go (though possibly that would have been what could have allowed us to connect). Maybe *I* am the one that is the snob.


I've done this more than once. If I am not hitting it off with someone I'm not really inclined to drag out the conversation by talking about things that we have in common. No big deal.

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If I am not hitting it off with someone I'm not really inclined to drag out the conversation by talking about things that we have in common. No big deal.


This was my take when someone we knew (but hadn't seen in several years) announced they were homeschooling. It was a family that we just never quite clicked with. I really wasn't up for trying to develop any more of a relationship than was already there.

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Have you just not talked to other homeschoolers about it?


No, if only because if I hs and talked to someone who didn't reveal it about herself, and I later found out, I would be leary of that person. Did they just not like me? Are they paranoid? What were they thinking?


It seems odd not to mention an unusual commonality, and I'm odd enough already. :D

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