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Fun math


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I'm looking for math supplements for a 5/6 year old. There was a recent thread about teaching math in 3 strands: drill, main program, and introducing advanced topics through games/books. This approach sounds perfect for my ds. He figured out how to multiply yesterday, and he was about to burst with excitement. I don't see that in his day to day work.



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Hey, there must be something in the air, my five year old figured out how to multiply yesterday too, how funny!!


The Mathstart books are fun, and you can probably get them at your library.


Kitchen Table Math, especially the first book, has some fun math games in it. We did some activities in there today and covered multidigit addition and subtraction with regrouping using Cuisenaire cubes.


Personally, I just started at my library in the 510s. There are a lot of math books there, just find some that look fun and are on your son's level. We got a Teddy Bear math book last week that we are going to try tomorrow.


Oh, and Barnes and Noble is starting to carry some Singapore workbooks - we got the practice one for grade 2 and call it the 'Super Math Challenge' so he expects it to be really really hard, but he really likes it.

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I'm looking for math supplements for a 5/6 year old. There was a recent thread about teaching math in 3 strands: drill, main program, and introducing advanced topics through games/books. This approach sounds perfect for my ds. He figured out how to multiply yesterday, and he was about to burst with excitement. I don't see that in his day to day work.




I missed that thread -- that's what we do, too!!!


livingmath.net has a useful reading/resource list as well as their programs.

We've found the book Family Math easy to implement and very fun, and adaptable to Button -- we skip anything competitive :)

Zaccaro's Primary Math Challenge Math is coming in handy, and seems popular on this board.

also just hunt on Amazon for math readers, and see if you can get interesting ones [from the library?].

I _didn't_ like Singapore's Challenging Word Problems as a supplement but others may have found it useful.


good luck!

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My ds6 LOVES MathWhizz! It's online, animated, and gives an assessment to determine the lesson progression so they don't have things that are way too easy or too hard. You get credits by passing lessons and replaying lessons to beat your previous score/time and can then spend them on decorating your room, playing games, or buying pets.


He figured out how to multiply last year, and I knew he knew the fives table pretty well... I just didn't know until yesterday HOW well he knew it. He was ecstatic to have correctly answered 10 questions in under 1 minute! Watching the fish with the answer on it get eaten by a shark after each correct answer made it even better. :D He's getting introduced to fractions, metric measurement (it's a British program), using tables & charts, and more in a fun, no stress way.

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