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Don't Wanna!

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I'm perfectly content to stay at home 95% + of the time. Really. I generally don't have the *need* to leave.


Wolf doesn't really understand this. He's always encouraging me to go out, do something, call SpecialMama, whatever. Just Get. Out. Mainly b/c he couldn't handle being at home all the time.


I know a lot of it has to do with RSD. I feel safer at home, not as likely to get bumped into, and being on my feet for too long causes my arm to feel like its ripping out of my shoulder socket.




Btwn now and the time baby is here, I have at *least* one appt a week. OB, specialist, Worker's Comp. I have 2 appts today. Eeeek.


*One* appt usually leaves me feeling exhausted. I have to be on my guard the entire time I'm in public to try and ensure I don't get bumped or jostled. Its wearing. Two in a day is a recipe for coming home and crawling into bed. Worker's Comp doesn't care though. :glare:


I don't wanna go. I just want to stay home. *whine*

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I totally understand and I pretty much feel the same way.


In my case, there are days when I plan NO OUTINGS for a day, I have it set in my mind that we will stay home and accomplish a, b, c.


The days when we MUST be out all day (7:45am till after 5pm - cc and co-op - Tues and Fri) I am fine with being out b/c I know I have balanced the crazy days with quieter/get stuff done at home days.


DH doesn't necessarily understand this -- he will want us all out doing something on a Saturday, and frankly, after the Fridays we have, I am perfectly content to sit home and do nothing OR sit home and get stuff done -- cook, bake, get ready to go to someone's house for dinner --


But, truthfully (and I know that you try to call and I am usually not there b/c we are out doing something b/c we hit patches like that) I hear you --and I completely understand. I have gone so far as to send dh and the kids to the movies and I sit home perfectly content. DD31 (who has RSD) goes nowhere and is perfectly happy that way.

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I would be strongly tempted to very obviously react to contractions at multiple points during every worker's compensation meeting. If they start worrying about the baby coming right then and there in their office they will be much less inclined to schedule meetings. (I know that that is actually, hopefully very unlikely but the thought does tend to cause panic in many people and I see no reason for you not to use that to your advantage.)

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I'm perfectly content to stay at home 95% + of the time. Really. I generally don't have the *need* to leave...I know a lot of it has to do with RSD. I feel safer at home, not as likely to get bumped into, and being on my feet for too long causes my arm to feel like its ripping out of my shoulder socket. However. Btwn now and the time baby is here, I have at *least* one appt a week. OB, specialist, Worker's Comp. I have 2 appts today. Eeeek. *One* appt usually leaves me feeling exhausted. I have to be on my guard the entire time I'm in public to try and ensure I don't get bumped or jostled. Its wearing. Two in a day is a recipe for coming home and crawling into bed. Worker's Comp doesn't care though...


If you have to exercise caution about being brushed up against in public, how will you handle caring for a baby and eventually toddler? Do you have plans in place for an aid or a relative to help?

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I understand the feeling. Are you going to have help once the babe is born? How will you carry him if your arm isn't usable? Just imagining your exhaustion once the baby's here makes me tired!

Wolf is taking parental leave for after the baby is born. Its going to hurt us financially, but there really isn't another option.

I would be strongly tempted to very obviously react to contractions at multiple points during every worker's compensation meeting. If they start worrying about the baby coming right then and there in their office they will be much less inclined to schedule meetings. (I know that that is actually, hopefully very unlikely but the thought does tend to cause panic in many people and I see no reason for you not to use that to your advantage.)

No, b/c then they'd say I'm not working b/c of the pregnancy, a non-compensatable (sp) condition, not my disability.

If you have to exercise caution about being brushed up against in public, how will you handle caring for a baby and eventually toddler? Do you have plans in place for an aid or a relative to help?

Just my dh. Princess was 2 when I was injured, so I've dealt with a toddler one armed. We have no family in the province.

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