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Those of you who d/l'd free Funnix reading... do you have an update for us?


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Did anyone ever get through the whole program? Did it "work" and get your kids successfully reading?


We had two false starts with it over here but stopped both times because my son really just wasn't ready. He'd get too wiggly and distracted and wasn't interested enough and I'd lose patience, and I just didn't want to bother because I didn't want to push an academic K to begin with and only wanted to stick with it if he was enjoying it and it wasn't causing stress for either of us.


Anyway, we started again this year. We've only completed the first 15 lessons so far- which is the farthest we've ever gotten- and it seems to be going pretty well so far.


Just wondering how it ended up going with you all.

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Abby completed all of Beginning Reading and half of 2 before we stopped. It wworked just fine for her: it got her reading. She may not have AWESOME/super-human decoding skills, but she is fluently reading at a late-2nd grade level. We are now doing AAS to fill in any holes. Would I use it again? I think so.

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We are only 18 lessons in, but I LOVE it. I guess at this point my only complaint is for my oldest He'll sound a word out right away, but they still go through saying each sound like two or three times. I just tell him to be patient. When things start slowing down and he's really grasped it, though, it seems to then jump on to something a little more difficult. He starts getting a little board about one lesson before story time, but then story time hits and he gets excited. I'm just amazed at how much he's learned in 18 lessons. This is the only reading program we've done, but I love how they gradually introduce left to right, say it fast, moving from mark to mark. At first I couldn't understand why they were doing some of that....at the beginning with just pictures....but then it hit me and I felt stupid. :)

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We are using Funnix some. We just finished lesson 26 today. We don't do things exactly as the instructions say. I don't repeat lessons. If it goes too slow to sound it out we fast forward. For some of the things I pause and then fast forward. An example would be letter names. I pause, my son says the names quickly and then I fast forward. He is much happier that way. He has trouble with "spelling" the letters. I pause after she says the sound so he has time to think. I also note trouble spots and we do activities away from the computer to help rather then repeat lessons or part of lessons. My ds doesn't do the handwriting portion of the worksheets but he will spell the words and do the cross out games. My ds is getting much better at sounding out simple words. We will see how this goes.

I also use MCP, general phonics activities and Little stories for little folks. We try to do a variety of activities since he gets bored and will refuse to do school work.

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DD demands this for her "school work" but only if we do it very fast and it's pretty irruegular. At the moment I'm fast forwarding 3/4 of the tasks and we do every third lesson. That seems to be holding her for now, although I suspect she won't last much longer as her skills are developing 'organically' much faster than the programme - she'll be beyond it soon. The maths we're doing every lesson but fast forwarding a lot. It works... I just suspect this kid would have carried on progressing without anything.


I'm glad I caught the free d/l... I wouldn't have paid for it, if I couldn't have got the d/l I'd just use 100EZ because it's easier to go faster in that if need be.

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We got to lesson 8 and ditched it -neither I or my DD could stand it. Those clicks got on my nerves and my DD was so frustrated at having to repeat things over and over.


We use Phonics Pathways and Reading Eggs now :001_smile:


:iagree: I bought the program but wasn't impressed. We went through Reading Eggs and over halfway through PP. I personally would not recommend this program.

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