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I have children with Asperger's but there's so much information I could tell you, or direct you to, that it would be helpful if you could say more about what you are looking for. A couple of good starting points in any case would be Tony Attwood's books (he writes about strengths as well as weaknesses and is respectful) and the OASIS book about Asperger's.



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Yes, I think you should get professional help and asap. I have a niece with auditory issues and my best friends son has aspergers. They were drowning in the public schools. My niece was literally in twelfth grade at a kindergarten grade level. She was never properly diagnosed. They said she was mentally retarded. I found out what was happening and took her to educational psychologist. She ran all tests and found out she is not retarded, she has auditory issues with ADD. So we placed her in a private school that can accomodate her better. My friends child was tested also and went into private school. Both moms cant homeschool.


Also, get help, its a tough road. Wrightslaw.com:bigear: has a ton of info, and there are asperger community groups. Hope this helps, and god bless you and your family.


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I am not sure where you are located, but your area would most likely have a chapter of the Autism Society. They would be a great resource to answer questions about Aspergers, and they would also be able to steer you towards the help/support that you might need. Also, in our county in Maryland, they have a Family Support Center that provides help for families with questions like yours.


As for assessment, your local school system would be able to complete an assessment to determine if the disability is present. They would need to complete a pyschological assessment along with any other areas of concerns (speech, motor skills, educational issues). Once you contact your school system, they have 30 days to hold a meeting, listen to your concerns, and then decide a course of action.


Hope this has been helpful. Just to note, I agree that the books by Tony Atwood are wonderful. I also read a good book about Aspergers from a mo' perspective called Eating an Artichoke - unusual title but interesting analogy!

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Hi again,

Not to be negative, sometimes the school does work in your favor, not all are bad.


But, like I stated in both cases , both children had school psych assesments and one was improperly diagnosed. Personally I believe it is a numbers game with the schools. But that is my opinion. Still, I think if you can afford, it get them properly diagnosed by someone you trust. It takes a lot of searching, but it is worth it.


I still fight for my niece, because now she is transitioning into adulthood, and we have to deal with the county with services. So to get correct services. You need to pull out the psych. evaluation constantly.


Hope this helps, but dont give up the fight, your child is well worth it. Its better to get it done now. You definitely need a team and advocates, its not easy to do on your own. The more info. in your pocket the better.


Good luck,


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Autism Hub is another site for information. It has links to sites by family members, professionals, and autistics.


Some of the bloggers have really helped me gain insight on my sons.


The Tony Attwood book is wonderful. The man has great knowlege and respect for the Autistic community.

Another book that has been a gret resource for us has been Parenting your Asperger Child.


As for diagnosis, the first step is to ask your doctor for a referral to a specialist to "rule out Autism/Asperger's." That's the phrase that seems to ge the most reaction. I would not go to a school system for diagnosis if I could help it.

My sons do get speech services through school. But they started those before they wwere ever diagnosed.

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Autism Hub is another site for information. It has links to sites by family members, professionals, and autistics.


Some of the bloggers have really helped me gain insight on my sons.


The Tony Attwood book is wonderful. The man has great knowlege and respect for the Autistic community.

Another book that has been a gret resource for us has been Parenting your Asperger Child.


As for diagnosis, the first step is to ask your doctor for a referral to a specialist to "rule out Autism/Asperger's." That's the phrase that seems to ge the most reaction. I would not go to a school system for diagnosis if I could help it.

My sons do get speech services through school. But they started those before they wwere ever diagnosed.


No, I do not plan on going through a school system for any sort of services. We used to use their speech therapy but quit. Thanks for the info on how to get the Dr's attention. Though just not sure about getting an official diagnosis. Thanks for the links.

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