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dragons are real and they were dinosaurs


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Plus, an interesting tidbit I learned at one point is that reptiles never stop growing.


I am a creationist but do somewhat believe in microevolution. It's all very confusing, but like others I explain what I believe to my children but allow them to read books and studies that talk about things being millions of years old.


I have often wondered if the flood in the Bible influenced dinosaurs and/or other large creatures. According to the Bible, after the flood men stopped living as long. Before the flood, the average age for humans was 800+ years. If reptiles never stop growing, wow that could be a really big snake or lizard.


Just my thoughts....

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A question for old earth creationists... If death is the punishment for sin, then why would animals die before the fall of Adam and Eve? I can't figure that one out.


Also, I read A Short History of Nearly Everything over the summer and the author mentioned a lot of difficulties with carbon dating. He is an atheist, so I assumed he had no alterior motive for his claims.


That is a whole 'nother ball of wax, but many believe that the death that was punishment for Adam/Eve was spiritual death, or separation from God, as well as removal from the Garden of Eden. Only within the Garden of Eden was there no physical death, "eastward in Eden" where God put Adam & Eve after they were created, not in the rest of the world. That is one perspective on it, at least. I'm sure there are many more. :)

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