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Would you get sick of pizza?

Pizza every week, yay or nay?  

  1. 1. Pizza every week, yay or nay?

    • I'd so eat pizza every week
    • Every week is too often! I want variety!
    • Every other week would be fine
    • Other

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Here's the thing. I could easily eat pizza every week--IF it's GOOD pizza. I've been to so many regular church and community functions where they buy pizza from the cheapest place, which I understand from a financial standpoint, but it's not even close to yummy!


So I voted every other week because I couldn't handle mediocre/boring/yucky pizza every single week and would want something in between to mix it up a bit. LOL

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I don't particularly care for pizza. We eat it maybe once or twice a year on our own, plus my kids have it a few more times a year at end of the season sports parties or friends' birthdays.


I'd be fine with it served every week, though. I'd happily bring my own food, and would find doing so much easier if I always knew what was expected on the fellowship menu :) I think if I were a guest (as opposed to a planner) I'd like a different choice each week, or every other week. First week pizza, second week hoagies, third week whatever, etc. but the pizza every week wouldn't be a dealbreaker or anything.


I really like the bolded idea. I think having a predictable menu is a really good thing, that way people can eat at home if they have special dietary needs. You could rotate between pizza, pasta, chili, hoagies, soup/salad, and probably a ton of other meals I'm forgetting.

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If I could figure out how to get a GOOD gf crust, we'd be having pizza again weekly. We do everything weekly, so I may not be normal! LOL.


Gluten Free Mama has a pizza crust mix that is very good, amazon carries it and it makes 2 pizzas. I don't generally make anything from a package but I've tried many GF crust recipes and none were real great- it is imo- awesome- I don't like to make it often as it has grains and is higher carb but it sure is good.

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We couldn't eat it due to the gluten issue so it wouldn't matter much to me. We don't attend or not attend events based on food though, if we did we wouldn't hardly do anything. I cannot imagine that keeping someone from a Bible Study but we are so used to taking care of our own food I don't depend on anyone else for meals. Every other week sounds reasonable to me w/ sandwiches as a second choice.


For a side I'd like make your own salads w/ all individual ingredients separated- anything from a package - like dressing- in the original package to be able to verify ingredients. I'd love that option- it is more than we've had at certain family events!

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I never complain about free food! :D I would never refuse to attend something based on whether I could eat the food. I would just eat before going, or I'd offer to bring something in addition -- like a big salad with cheese and nuts and stuff for on the side.


Yes, I could eat the same thing weekly. Good grief, I'm just thankful I don't have to eat corn mush daily like colonial times! ;)

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