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Need to define myself

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OK, so I don't want to sound too pitiful, but I am seriously feeling a need to re-define myself. Not sure what I want to do with *my* future, so to speak, but I feel a strong urge to do something for myself, separate from the family. Even if I wanted to continue my studies, what to study?


I was looking at a Psy.D. program in clinical psychology and the hurdles seemed huge. Plus part-time, then it would take 7 years and in the meantime I would still be parenting and homeschooling.


Then I was toying around with midwifery. Not that I am 100% proponent of homebirths (I am not), nor that I have experience in the field except I have read a lot and have obviously delivered a few kiddos and know some about breastfeeding etc.


I can be outgoing, but am a bit reserved. I am the type whom people talk to and brainstorm ideas with. I feel like at this point I have a lot of experience in life, can read people, give great advice to people in regards to not only personal stuff, but also baby-related stuff. Oh, yeah, I am also great at advising teens, school-related and personal-wise, but don't have great computer skills.


I realise I am rambling here. Just looking for some feedback as to what I might consider pursuing. I am interested in refugees (especially Muslim refugees since I know their culture), but am not too into getting too worked up about real actual life-sized problems so I don't think I want social work. I'd feel too helpless, I suspect. I have considered studying sociology, but am concerned that it would be only academic and I think I don't have sufficient skills technically speaking.


OK. Sorry for the brain fart.

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Based on what you've written about your interests and strengths, I'd say you should look into becoming a high school guidance counselor. Depending on where you'd take such a job, you could end up counseling teen refugees.


If you are planning to homeschool your toddler, you won't be ready for a full time job until well beyond seven years. Right?


I've taken one class per semester to complete my Master's, and now I'm planning to do the same with my Doctorate. By the time I'm finished, my youngest will be at a point where I can consider returning to the work force while homeschooling her. The one class is not an overwhelming amount of work, but gets me out of the house and engaging in adult conversation with people who share my interests. And I'll be prepared to go back to work when I'm ready. Best of both worlds, really!

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Hi Nadia,

as a nurse-midwife I can tell you, you don't have to attend home births if you are a midwife. I have only worked in hospitals so far (I'm not against home birth myself, that is just the jobs I have had so far). There's also birth centers as a happy medium. And, the training to become a midwife is much less than 7 years!

A few years ago I went through a period of wanting to define myself, like you... I also thought about getting a PhD/DSc. I researched it online and went to an orientation at a local university. I arranged specially for my kids to be taken care of all day while I was gone. It was a long day since I had to take the bus/subway to get there. I met with the instructors & asked a lot of enthusiastic questions. But I found at the end of that day, I had to laugh at myself, since I felt very satisfied and happy. I had had a day off just to think about me and be by myself, with grownups. It turned out that that was all I wanted, not a PhD. :001_smile:

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