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Well.... Dd no longer in nursing program

Chris in PA

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Hi all,

My dd was accepted into an intense 2 year nursing program a few months ago. The program in one of the best in the state. Thursday night she decided that she really doesn't want to be a nurse. I have seen this coming for the last two weeks. They actually start the clinical process in the hospital the first semester so she has worked with patients the last two weeks. She loves children and wants to work with them. She thought being a NICU nurse would be great. However she realized that "I don't like being around sick people". So.... yesterday she went through the process of applying to a local state univeristy. She feels like she would like to try elementary education/special education. Both my dh and I feel this would be a great field for her. She is a nuturer by nature and very compassionate. She "just wants to help people". So.... we are trying to salvage something of this semester of nursing school. She will be dropping her nursing classes as none of those credits will transfer to the new school. We are fairly certain clinical math won't transfer so it looks like possibly anatomy and english comp???? Does that sound like an acceptable plan?


I feel bad for her. The book learning was the easy part. The working with sick patients, not so easy. I am glad she discovered this now. I am also grateful for a program that gets them in the hospital early. It would have been lousy had she gone a different route and invested two years of classroom learning only to discover in her third year clinical this isn't the field for her.


So now we wait again. She was accepted within five days of submitting her application to the nursing school but the local state university told her 4-6 weeks on a decision. While we wait, she has been fortunate enough to be able to help at our co-op. The mom who teaches two of our pre-school classes is ill and will be out for the entire first semester. So the director is thrilled to let her teach. She will teach a math/ABC craft and a gym class to 9 preschoolers. She is so excited! We also have a great pediatric rehabilitation center a few miles from our home where she can volunteer in their special needs preschool. This will help her discover if this will be a fit for her before she even starts classes in January.



Thanks for listening.....

Edited by Chris in PA
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I feel bad for her. The book learning was the easy part. The working with sick patients, not so easy. I am glad she discovered this now. I am also grateful for a program that gets them in the hospital early. It would have been lousy had she gone a different route and invested two years of classroom learning only to discover in her third year clinical this isn't the field for her.



This is really great for her. She discovered now, there's time to change, and she's not stuck with a degree and job she hates feeling that she has to work there because she can't drop out now.


I hope the next choice works out better for her :)

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I agree it is very good that the program got them out in the field early. It is really hard to know whether you will like something until you actually try it. Bravo to you for being understanding of this learning process and supporting her as she moves into a different field. Too often kids get the message that because you can do something means you should do something and they would force themselves to do it even though they hated it and wouldn't ultimately be successful as a result.

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Has she considered speech pathology? She could still work with children (even within the school district) if she wanted to. . . . But she would have many more career options should the teaching profession continue to worsen. Also, she might be able to salvage some of the work she has already put in. The salary is much better too. I do believe a masters is required for most positions though, so that's something to consider.


My daughter made a change in college too. She had planned on optometry, but realized that was very limiting so she switched to physician's assistant. It was a good switch because she didn't lose any credits, and the field is a perfect fit for her.

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Thank you for sharing with us. :grouphug:


Our dd arrived home late last night from college with the intention of spending the weekend, clearing her head, and discussing her present situation. She has doubts about her current school, which, although a very selective, highly-rated LAC, just doesn't mesh with her type of learning style. Not only that, but dd has shifted her career focus and discovered that the school has only a handful of classes in her chosen field. So now she's agonizing about what to do. Thank goodness this is her first semester and she has some wiggle room.


It's a turbulent time for parents and even more emotional for our children. I'm glad we can communicate openly.

Edited by distancia
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This is really great for her. She discovered now, there's time to change, and she's not stuck with a degree and job she hates feeling that she has to work there because she can't drop out now.


I hope the next choice works out better for her :)



Slight hijack, I apologize. But I love yout tag line at the bottom. It took me a minute to get it. Now back to regular programming...


It is a good thing that the OP's daughter realized that she was not going to enjoy nursing. It takes a certain type of person to work in that field. I know I don't have it myself but my father is convinced that I will eventually see the light and follow my mother into nursing. I work in a lab instead. The OP's daughter will be much happier now that she has come to this decision.

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This is really great for her. She discovered now, there's time to change, and she's not stuck with a degree and job she hates feeling that she has to work there because she can't drop out now.


I hope the next choice works out better for her :)




It is really common for students to discover that what they thought they liked and wanted to do isn't really their niche (I switched from Computer Science to Physics). It's so much better when they find this out earlier rather than later.


Thanks for sharing Chris. I related her experience to middle son and told him to make sure he takes the time to get involved in a hospital early on in college - just to be absolutely certain he wants to be a doctor as I'm thoroughly ok with him taking a different path if that ends up not being his niche.


I can't imagine trying to force anyone to be a doctor or nurse. It certainly takes a special mindset to deal with all of the factors involved. (So do other professions - those aren't exclusive.)

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Thanks so much for the support. I really appreciate it. I know that God is leading her where He wants her to be. She seems so much like her old self this weekend and is truly excited for tomorrow and working with the pre-schoolers. And I have to say that I am glad to have been able to spend time with her. That really hasn't happened in the last 5 weeks. :001_smile:

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