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Favorite History Encyclopedia for SOTW?


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I was limited on my budget and just purchased the Usborne encyclopedia. My 7yr old really enjoys it. It seems at a level she understands well and likes the pictures. I got an older copy it's not internet linked. I asked this question a while back and a few responses stated the Kingfisher was for older kids I believe they stated middle school age. You can try a thread search if you don't get the response you were hoping for.

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I have both the UILE and the white Kingfisher, both bought used in Like New condition. Both are also library editions, and they're holding up well. I won't buy a paperback book for a subject's main textbook, because we use them heavily and the binding would never hold up!


I read UILE to my kids (ages 5 & 8), and I read Kingfisher to myself. The kids will use Kingfisher when they're in middle school.


By the way, if you purchase an Usborne book from Usborne directly or from an Usborne rep, and it wears out, you can get it replaced for 1/2 retail price plus shipping. :)

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