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If you wanted to put old pictures on CD....

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If you had (lots) of old pictures that you wanted to put on CD, how would you go about it? I have a scanner that's a few years old and it takes a while for it to scan. I don't want to spend that kind of time- I called OfficeMax and for them to scan, it costs 3.99 for the first picture, 1.99 for the rest of the pictures and 10.00 for the CD to put them on!!!! I cannot afford that. It would be significantly cheaper to buy a new scanner! I would really like to put lots of my grandparents' pictures on a CD and then make books for everyone in my family on snapfish. WWYD?

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If you don't want to scan them in, you *can* lay them out and take digital photos of the pictures. The quality will depend on the lighting and if you can take photos of the pictures parallel with the surface (so you're not taking the digital photos of the prints at any type of angle).

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For a summer project I scanned all our old family pictures from 1991-2003 (when we bought our first digital camera) into our pc and uploaded them all to Picasa Web Albums on private settings. Now all our extended family have access to all our pics and we are completely fireproof and computer crash proof. It was time consuming but fun, I listened to sermons and audiobooks while I did it for 1-2 hours per day!

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I'm the cheapest person on Planet Earth, but this is one task I'd outsource - especially as a homeschooling parent and/or the parent of younger kids. I bet you'd do better pricewise to find a local, independent business - if not a photographer, someone in the computer or design business (maybe even a student). I wonder if you could even do a barter with someone, say on Craig's List for tutoring services or something.


My brother took on a similar task for his inlaws. He scanned everything, spent maybe an hour or so every night (for many, many nights!) and watched tv while he did so. It was truly a labor of love. The end result was amazing but it sucked much of his time and energy there for awhile LOL.

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If you want to use your existing scanner you can scan 4-8 pictures at a time depending on the size of your scanner bed. Then once scanned it is a quick test to crop and save them into individual pictures.


It is still a tedious task, but this cuts out tons of time. This is how I scanned all the old family pictures I inherited.

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For a summer project I scanned all our old family pictures from 1991-2003 (when we bought our first digital camera) into our pc and uploaded them all to Picasa Web Albums on private settings. Now all our extended family have access to all our pics and we are completely fireproof and computer crash proof. It was time consuming but fun, I listened to sermons and audiobooks while I did it for 1-2 hours per day!


How is the quality of the pics you put in picassa?


I have found the quality of my own pics not as great as I expected when I uploaded them.

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Just last week, my dad just brought over all the old family pics and negatives. My mom passed away 10 years ago and never did anything with them. I want to go through them while my dad is still around.


Anyway, he bought me something like this http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&sugexp=gsis,i18n%3Dtrue&cp=26&gs_id=3h&xhr=t&q=photo+and+negative+scanner&rlz=1R2ADRA_enUS423&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1600&bih=607&bs=1&wrapid=tljp1316041563132057&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=10880185383679097561&sa=X&ei=azNxTsneDsfy0gGm3dmNCg&sqi=2&ved=0CGgQ8wIwAw# .


I haven't tried it yet, but he bought it at Costco and we can return it if it doesn't scan a great image. I also have an all in one printer/scanner/fax machine and I will use that if necessary.


It's an overwhelming task, but I'm going to do a little bit at a time and just plug my way through it all.


Good luck!

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I just scanned 1400 photos for a friend. On my home scanner it was going to taking me ***FOREVER***, so I called around. I ended up scanning the whole lot of them at Ritz Camera, where they had a bulk scanner that you feed the pics through (rather than a flatbed). It still took a while, but FAR FAR less time than it would have taken me at home. I ended up spending about 3 hours there to do the whole lot of them, which was very fast for scanning!


They also have a scanning service that I noticed when I was there. People would drop off their box of pics, and then pick them up later with the CD of them. I think it cost about $65 for the service.


I ended up paying them $65 for my 1400 photos, scanned myself on their bulk scanner. I think it would have cost me more to have them do it for me, since I had so many.


Anyway, it was WELL worth it.


For fewer photos - maybe 100 - I have also used the Kodak scanners at FedEx Kinkos. I did this with our old family photos a while back. Cost me $4.99 for the CD, and it fit lots of pics on it, and the quality was fine (I used them to make photobooks too).

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I have scanned family photos and it is really time consuming if you have lots. If you do one photo at a time the scanner will probably do some sort of auto color correction, but if you do many photos at once (laying several on the scanner bed side by side), you are going to have to do color correction on each individual photo.


Whether I would do more myself or have them done somewhere else would depend on the number of photos. If it were 100 photos, I would probably just sit at the scanner and do them, once you get 1000, I would definitely send them somewhere to be scanned.


Here are two places that scan photos in bulk for you:




These places both often have groupon deals (you pay a certain amount to buy the groupon and then get a bigger discount at the website) http://www.groupbuygirl.com/ lists all the groupon deals that are available nationally. Deals will be listed under a particular city, but since they are for national online stores, anyone can buy them. Just search for "scan" and you'll find any scanning deals.


I've got a box of my dh's photos that I'm going to send to one of these places. It's probably over 1000 photos and it'll just be a relief to have them scanned. I also have a bunch of old black and white photos that are of my mom as a baby. Those are odd sizes and in albums that are falling apart. I'm scanning those myself. I'd rather spend my time scanning things that can't be sent out.

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There are several websites that do that these days. You ship the photos, and they put them on CD for you.


Often discount sites, like Mamapedia.com, and Social Living.com, and a few others (all sites that offer these One day deals, at REALLY great prices) will offer some specials on this. I would sign up for the daily emails and wait to see what comes through. They have it about once a month, at least, at mamapedia.com.





yep, here is one from Groupon right now: http://www.groupon.com/midland-odessa/?utm_medium=afl&utm_campaign=4096854&utm_source=rvs

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