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Please give me reassuring stories - parvo

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We discovered one of our puppies has parvo :crying: The other one isn't showing any signs yet and we're watching her carefully. We got her a booster shot this morning. My dd is so distraught over this. Another sister puppy was hit by a car about 2months ago. The thought of losing yet another puppy is just too much for her. Please share your reassuring stories with me, but keep the sad ones. I can't handle those!!

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We have 2 dogs. When we brought our bassett hound home it had parvo. After 2 weks and 3 different vets we finally found a vet that started treatment..Milli van Nilli is going strong 2 years later. Milli gave our chihuahua parvo. When we recognized the signs in Pheobe off to the vet she went. After having a seizure on the vet table she was given meds and sent home with meds. After 48 hours she was fine too!:grouphug:

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We brought home a rescue dog who was close to death 5 days later. The shelter provided vet care for him. Lots of antibiotics, fluids and a blood transfusion later, he came home after 5 days and is now a strong, healthy 10 month old.


The key is to support the organs with fluids so that the loss from diarrhea and vomiting don't cause them to shut down. Just keep him alive, and the virus will run its course. The girl at the shelter was a vet tech, and she said they had nursed several dogs through it. Just don't let him get too dehydrated. Ours had the transfusion because the attack on his immune system was becoming toxic. I read something about using the blood of a dog that has survived parvo. It provides the antibodies needed, I guess.


I'm praying for your pup.

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On our wedding night, we found a little mutt puppy in the road as we drove home to our first night in our new home. The next morning, we discovered that the little guy was very, very sick. We had to postpone our homeymoon for 2 days to find a vet and get him in for care.

He was about 2 months old and had parvo.


He spent a week at the vet. Two other grown dogs died from parvo while he was there.

But our little boy, Stamper, made it through.

Stamper, passed away in his sleep 16 years and two months after we found him in the road. He's been gone for almost a year now and the boys still talk about him like he's still with us.


I hope your little puppy lives as long and as wonderful of a life as Stamper did.

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My Sheltie survived parvo!


I started showing symptoms 2 days after we got her (in retrospect, she was sick since we got her). I took her to the vet and the vet said $3-4k to pull her through, most likely - with not guarantee, off-course!


So, another breeder called me back on a message I left her a few days before, regarding a pup she was advertising. In my freaked out state I told her about Mika being close to death and me not knowing what to do (This is 3 weeks after our stunning 10 week old Boston Terrier puppy jumped from the couch, fell on her head and was dead in an instant. I'm still not over that one - but that's another story. :( ). Like you, for my kids sake, I COULD NOT loose this one, but I also could not afford $3000 on a dog I've had for 2 days.


Anyway, long story short. The "other breeder"/stranger told me to make a mixture of Barley/Rice water (boil barley or white rice for a long time, discard barley/rice, keep water), salt, honey and colloidal silver. She was not specific on the ratios, so I just made it up. I also added a tiny bit of potassium which I had from my days on the Dr Bernstein diet.


I fed her 1ml every 10 minutes - around the clock. When she was keeping in 1ml, I made it 2, then 3, 4, 10, etc. I did not let her drink, because she would drink to much and then vomit or have bloody stools immediately. At the end of the second day I let her drink, when she was keeping down 25ml. Still, I had to take the bowl away after a little bit.


Oh, I also had to "shoot her up" with colloidal silver from the other end, with a little needle-less syringe. I did that about 4 times a day.


She did not eat for about a week. At day 4 I started blending some of the barley in my vitamix and added a little chicken stock. She wanted nothing to do with her regular food for about 2-3 weeks. She only wanted cooked chicken and rice. She lost so much weigh, that I was not going to play hard-ball on that one. I also force-fed her (with a syringe) good quality, fatty, yogurt to help restore gut bacteria.


Anyway, now, 2.5 months later, she shows NO signs of almost not making it. She is a beautiful little thing and I love her for her fighting spirit and determination to live.


I hope that helped. PM me if you need more specific info.


Good luck, for your sake, and for your little ones. It's a devastating disease, but it is possible to overcome!

Edited by ycoetzee
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