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How can I modify this Christmas idea?

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I ran across this on Pinterest a few weeks ago:




I think that my kids would love opening a new book every day. However, I don't want to do just Christmas themed books. I mean, really, how many Christmas themed books does one family need to own? So I thought about going onto paperback swap (I have quite a few credits saved up), as well as checking thrift stores, and getting a variety of books.


But then, I don't know what books to get. My kids are 7 and 4...so I don't want to get books that are too "babyish." But then again, if I get chapter books, we will get backed up and won't be able to read them each day. I'm not really sure what type of books to get. They still enjoy picture books being read to them, but soon they (especially my 7 year old) will be past that.


I'm wondering about a way to modify this idea. Any suggestions?

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I still love picture books & I'm an adult. :001_smile: My dd has always loved picture books too (and she's now a teen). Just saying that to point out that some pictures books may be ones your dc never outgrow.


Riffing on yours & Cindy's ideas....


a few chapter books

a cookbook of some sort

a craft book or two (both dc have always loved things like that)

non-fiction books (pick topics that your dc like -- my dd has always liked things like books about horses, pets in general, children)

anything such as the Children Just Like Me books

encyclopedia style book

a book related to history

a book related to science

a book related to art

a book related to music (perhaps one w/ a cd)

an audio book


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We do this every year and my kids love it. I don't buy all the books though. We have a few standard favorites and then the rest are from the library. We celebrate Advent so we do some Advent books as well as Christmas books. We also do a St Nicholas book on Dec. 6 and St Lucia on Dec. 13. Instead of books we do a Christmas dvd on Fridays.

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We do this every year and my kids love it. I don't buy all the books though. We have a few standard favorites and then the rest are from the library. We celebrate Advent so we do some Advent books as well as Christmas books. We also do a St Nicholas book on Dec. 6 and St Lucia on Dec. 13. Instead of books we do a Christmas dvd on Fridays.


I'd love to know what Nicholas and Lucia books you read!

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A fun idea could be THE SAME BOOK :D wrapped up by chapter. ;)


Places like staples can put a book on a spiral spine for you. You could ask that they remove the spin and then spiral each chapter individually. Then your child would have 1 chapter a day of the same story. It could be a great way to "hype" up a book.

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I'd love to know what Nicholas and Lucia books you read!


Our favorite Lucia book is "Annika's Secret Wish" by Beverly Lewis. It is not about St Lucia herself but a beautiful story that takes place on St Lucia Day. My two boys who are 12 and 10 still love this book. This year I also bought "Lucia, Saint of Light" by Katherine Bolger Hyde. I haven't read it to the children yet but it looks good and the illustrations are lovely.


Most of our St Nicholas books are in German. There is a beautifully illustrated one by Ida Bohatta that you might be able to find in English. We've also enjoyed "A Gift from St Nicholas" by Carol Kismaric and "The Miracle of St Nicholas" by Gloria Whelan.

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We did this a couple of years ago, mostly using about 3/4 library books and 1/4 books we own/bought. It was fun, but it was also kind of a pain--keeping track of all the books, figuring out what to do if we missed a day, the boys arguing over whose turn it was to open the next one . . . I might do it again, though.


There are lots of wonderful picture books out there that appeal to older kids. I'd still probably go that route at your kids' ages.

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Our favorite Lucia book is "Annika's Secret Wish" by Beverly Lewis. It is not about St Lucia herself but a beautiful story that takes place on St Lucia Day. My two boys who are 12 and 10 still love this book. This year I also bought "Lucia, Saint of Light" by Katherine Bolger Hyde. I haven't read it to the children yet but it looks good and the illustrations are lovely.


Most of our St Nicholas books are in German. There is a beautifully illustrated one by Ida Bohatta that you might be able to find in English. We've also enjoyed "A Gift from St Nicholas" by Carol Kismaric and "The Miracle of St Nicholas" by Gloria Whelan.


Thanks for the suggestions! (I got off last night before seeing your post). German book recommendations are also welcome!


ETA: Not trying to take over this thread, OP!

Edited by LAS in LA
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Thanks everyone! I've started buying a few books today. I got two from paperbackswap.com......The Kissing Hand and Miss Nelson Is Missing. And I ordered one from Amazon (used) that I loved during my childhoold: Mother, Mother, I Want Another.


Now I'm on the look out for more picture books that are for older kids.

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I'd look at Goodwill or other thrift shops, used book stores, etc. and try to pick up some classic, simpler chapter books, perhaps. Our library has a big book sale every fall and that might be another good option. I'm thinking of books by Jean Fritz, Clyde Robert Bulla, Jeanne Bendick, Robert McClosky, etc....









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