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Any dealt with court hearings?

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This is a sad situation, and I am a little heated so I will be careful as to what I say. My mother's sister is in poor health, but not terminal. The sister's children have told people she is terminal, has cancer, has 2 weeks to live..that was 10 weeks ago...they even went forward with picking out her pall bearers.

The sisters have been beside themselves b/c they know the kids care more about any funds they may receive from selling their mother's house than handing over the house to a nursing care facility so their mother can receive quality care. In June, she was dehydrated, had severe bedsores and infections..so my aunts called an ambulance...the sick sister's children went ballistic and told two of the aunts that none were welcome. They did not tell my mother but expected the other sisters to relay that. My mom was and is soo desperately concerned for her sister who is bedridden at this state, but just 5 months ago could walk and was improving. The two days my aunt was in the hospital, my mom was feeding her and home health came in and was shocked she was eating, because the kids had told her she could not eat....they do not feed her. Social services has been called, small town...the kids after this event had to keep track of all foods eaten/liquids (so atleast this improved).

Last month, my mom took a police officer (on advice/recommendation from the mayor) with her to the house to check on her sister...they allowed the police officer in but not my mom...mom went back to the car...the whole visit infuriated the cousins and one filed a trespassing lawsuit against her..but she never stepped inside...now all the other cousins are furious at this one and want to write letters to the judge in defense of my mom....(my mother took this sister 4 hours to her neurologist specialist several times, her children never would...she arranged for their father to get into MD Anderson and arranged his flights/travel and went with him to Texas 3 states away...she has helped them financially...). No one is sure what to do to help, no one wants to contact the kids, it will do no good..but I do not want them to write to a judge because of concerns about ex-parte communication in such cases...would it be wrong to write to the judge? I'm guessing yes, but can not find specifics..I plan to call Monday..but hoped someone here might know.


I know the case will be dismissed and my family is considering filing false report charges against him..my mother is in her late 60's and not in great health herself...this has been so stressful to her and my father. These kids are just wayward..no talking to them would ever amount to anything..it's like a hornets nest....in the words of the police officer who did check on my aunt. I would love to go and visit her, but after what they've done to my mom and the other aunts..I just am not sure...my mom has asked all of my siblings and me to never speak to them again...as a Christian...I struggle with the 70x7 aspect and honoring my parents..why does life have to be so dense?


Thanks for any help!

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I don't know what you should do, but I would get more legal advice. I would try to have all the aunts/cousins document as much as they can - maybe witness statements that could be entered as evidence?


I would try to get someone appointed as your aunt's healthcare power of attorney - if not a relative maybe independent third party.


Involving social services and finding information about elder abuse could help.


Again. I really don't know much about this, but good legal advice is probably important.

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