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I don't think I'm ever going to loan a book out again.


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I bought The Core last year, read it and decided that it would be great to do the geography portion of it this year. Around Christmas I was speaking with a friend who wanted to afterschool her child, and I thought she would get some good ideas from The Core, so I loaned the book to her. I also gave her my OPGTR because ds had just finished with it. I clearly said that she could keep that one, but I'd like The Core back.


In the mean time I completely forgot about the plan to do their geography. I just saw another post on here about using the Core ideas for geography, and I want to bonk myself on the head for forgetting. But my friend still has my book. She lives an hour away and I barely see her anymore. Do I call her and ask her to mail it back? Do I just suck it up and buy a new one? Argh!

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Okay, I'll call. Thanks everyone.


I hate to be stingy with my books. I have a friend in London who loans me her books and curriculum, and I really appreciate it, so I'd like to bless others in the same way. But I always return her books without even having to be asked.


I've lost other books, mostly readers, historical fiction, etc, in the past and never recovered them because I could never remember who I loaned them to. I remember spending a lot of money mailing my 1st edition of WTM to someone on the continent that I had met at a missions conference. She never mailed it back. Fortunately I already had my 2nd edition, so I wasn't too bothered by it.


It's just frustrating to be burned so many times.

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I think you can call and ask for it back. It's probably as much trouble for her to get to you and it is for you to get to her... if that makes any sense. So, she probably hasn't thought to call and offer to bring it back. But, if you want it, she probably will make a trip. If you don't want to wait and cooperate with her to get it back, then I'd just get a new one. It stinks. But, I don't offer to let people borrow things I know I can't actually give them... because people aren't great about getting things back... at least in my experience. Well, maybe one out of ten times they give something back within a reasonable time frame, but most of the time, people don't return things. Me included. It took me two plus years to get a paperback back to my friend. She moved to New Hampshire, going to the post office was so much trouble, she didn't ask for it back, etc... I ended up visiting her and taking it then. But, she'd totally forgotten about it by then. :tongue_smilie:So it goes. I was glad to get it off my hands, but borrowing usually means keeping. :001_smile:

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If you get it back, can I borrow it? :lol::lol::lol:





I actually would like to sell it and I desperately need the money. So I really want to get it back. I also told this person this when I lent it to them. So it really stinks that I haven't gotten it back yet.

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I would just call and ask for it back. It's very easy for books to get lost in the mix and you can forget which ones you've borrowed from whom. A friend of mine lent me some books for DS to read (just regular fiction type books), and I had to keep them in a completely separate spot. It was so hard to keep up with them and make sure they didn't get mixed in with our own, because I'd never remember which ones were hers and which were mine, and she probably wouldn't remember either. :lol:


I have lent out my WWE hardback and WWE1 workbook to a friend to use her first homeschooling year. If she doesn't remember to give them back, I'll just ask her to bring them to me when I need them. She's not moving away, and I see her twice a week, so it wouldn't be a big deal. She would probably say, "Oh, I forgot I had that! Yes, I'll bring it to you next time we see each other!"


I think most people aren't maliciously keeping books. They just forget they've borrowed them or from whom they have borrowed them. ;) A gentle reminder should be fine. If they don't give it back after asking for them back, THEN I'd get upset and not lend at least to that person anymore. :)

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Well, I rang over there. My friend wasn't there, but I spoke with her dh and asked him to mention it to her. My dh will actually be in their area this weekend, so he is going to stop by to pick it up. Unfortunately, they will be away this weekend, so he said that he would have his wife/my friend leave it in the store they own with a note that my dh will be picking it up. I'm not sure how this will turn out in the end. I'm reading From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler to my kids right now. Jamie would really like this pick up plan - lots of complications. :D

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