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If your kids struggles do you ever feel...angry, sad, frustrated

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Ds is *just* on grade level for reading and he is older for his grade and that took an extreme amount of work, none of it came easy for either of us. I know so many who just seem to pick up reading without any instruction. I have a friend whose child is 2 yrs younger reading beyond him and she's done no formal schooling or informal at that, beyond what they might have picked up from tv. Some say just read to them and they will get it, we read more than anybody I know ,besides one other friend whose son is behind mine! My daughter does seem like she will be easier but not on the level of the other kids. I know I shouldn't compare but it is frustrating to see something you/they work so hard at and others don't at all. It is frustrating as reading is considered the hallmark of how smart they are and how well you are doing teaching.


I know we all have our own strengths and weaknesses- it has helped me to learn patience and humility(I was sure our child would be genius). But- it is frustrating at times!

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My daughter does seem like she will be easier but not on the level of the other kids. I know I shouldn't compare but it is frustrating to see something you/they work so hard at and others don't at all. It is frustrating as reading is considered the hallmark of how smart they are and how well you are doing teaching.


I know we all have our own strengths and weaknesses- it has helped me to learn patience and humility(I was sure our child would be genius). But- it is frustrating at times!


Yes, indeed. It pays to get thick skin in the comparison department.


When I'm frustrated, I focus on how frustrating it must be for kiddo.



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Yes, I do. Not as often as I used to and hopefully more frequently that I will in the future.


Kalanamak's right. Comparisons can be harmful and it's best not to go there. And to teach your dc not to go there, too.


You will never stop wanting success for your dc, but you will learn to measure it individually.



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There are some children who will pick it up from just being read to. I had one (out of three) like that.


But for most dc, it will take direct instruction.


The people who say to just read to them have just never had a dc who needs direct instruction (or the direct instruction came from other sources, and they just aren't counting those.) If they have enough dc to get some who don't learn easily by putting the pieces together themselves, they will understand.

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