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Tank top to church?

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Didn't read all the replies.


For me and my family, we make no distinction between 'church' clothes and 'other' clothes in regards to modesty. If we wouldn't wear it to fellowship because it is to immodest, then we wouldn't wear it, period.


So, that is to say, if you would let your dd wear the shirt out of the house when you were going somewhere else in public, then I'd go ahead and let her wear it. IMO, it either is modest enough for public, or it's not; it would not matter where that public place is to me.

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thankyouverymuch. I was hoping just ONE person would find that funny and not obnoxious.


(Sorry Jean. I'll leave your thread alone now!)




It's only part of a page for me (I have threads set to display 50 post per page), so it was amusing to see the progression.

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It's only part of a page for me (I have threads set to display 50 post per page), so it was amusing to see the progression.


Oh, I'm sorry! Let me get on that RIGHT AWAY!!! :001_tt2:

Trying to catch up to me in post count?:D

:lol::lol::lol:(sorry, sleep deprivation makes me.............. giddy. I like that word better than obnoxious.);)

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I was thinking about this thread while in church today. And then I started thinking about shoes. Of the six people on the worship team, three were in flip-flops (incl. the worship leader who is also on staff), 2 pairs of sneakers. I couldn't see the drummers feet, but I'm guessing more sneakers. All shoulders were covered.


So... does anyone have shoe standards for church? Just curious. Honest. I haven't thought about church clothing standards in ages.


P.S. In the congregation I saw a few tanks (incl. spaghetti straps). Plus me in my very cute capris and cranberry red sleeveless top ... and, yes, flip-flops, but leather ones. They look nice... for flip-flops. I love this outfit. :)


This post is timely too because we are now shopping for new church shoes for dd! Do you prefer Mary Janes? Sandals? (those are the only two names of shoes that I know for little girls:auto:

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when we attended church, I felt VERY uncomfortable with girls/women wearing SHORT shorts, the kind where they could actually be counted as under garments if the material used was different. I also felt uncomfortable with skirts so short that underwear could be seen if sitting down/bending over.


Oh, and waaaaaaaay low cut tops.

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when we attended church, I felt VERY uncomfortable with girls/women wearing SHORT shorts, the kind where they could actually be counted as under garments if the material used was different. I also felt uncomfortable with skirts so short that underwear could be seen if sitting down/bending over.


Oh, and waaaaaaaay low cut tops.


I noticed today at church that dd's skirt which started out knee length is now barely long enough. We didn't start out immodest but she grows so fast!

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This is interesting to me. I have wondered why there are different standards of clothing modesty in and out of church? To me, (I am a fairly conservative Christian) the church is just a building. I would say it is either appropriate attire or not, regardless of whether being worn in church or elsewhere.


I agree.

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