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Kids sue mom for bad parenting

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I can't say what I really think here (because it would get me BANNED). You have to read this article about some grown up spoiled brats who tried to sue their mother for "bad parenting." Give me a break. Carp like this is what's wrong with our judicial system.


Kid sue mom


BTW, this line from the judge makes me mad:


Such alleged actions are unpleasant and perhaps insensitive, and some would arguably fall outside the realm of 'good mothering,'



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And here we find the crux of the problem:


"Garrity's attorney claims the lawsuit was her ex-husband's attempt at the "ultimate revenge"; however, the senior Steven Miner says he tried to talk his kids out the lawsuit before representing them."


Ever heard of the word no? :lol:

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I have no words to describe how I feel about what these kids did. I understand the hurts of an average childhood and how they create baggage that you carry around. However, as an adult in your 20's, well, there comes a time when you stop blaming your parents for your problems and grow up and take responsibility for you own actions. They talk about the mother's accoutability; where is their personal accountability. The mother, most likely, did the best she could. I ddin't realize that birthday gifts to your children were mandatory. My grandmother stopped sending me birthday checks when I turned 30. Maybe I should sue her.

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:lol: Omg! The rediculousness of that article just barely outweighs the seriousness of it! We cancelled my ds's birthday party one year when he was exceptionally naughty. I suppose that case wouldn't have been dismissed. Birthday parties and prom dresses are a birthrite, after all!

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