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Anyone have a dd that was a Juliette Girl Scout?

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For reasons I won't get into here, my dd has been forced out of the Troop I was co-leading. My heart hurts for her. She LOVES Girl Scouts, and it has been her only real social outlet since we started homeschooling in February. She was supposed to bridge up to Brownies in September.


I am trying to find out from our council whether there are other troops available for her in our area, or if there is a homeschool troop anywhere around. So far, I haven't gotten an answer. In the meantime, I am wondering about doing a year as a Juliette. It would be good for me personally to step back for a while, but I don't know if it's best for dd. We already are somewhat socially isolated, and she lost her best friend in this ugly process. :(

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Technically, my daughter is a member of a special "trefoil" troop, but because we do all of our activities independently, it's pretty similar to being a Juliette. She loves it, and I have fun doing activities with her. Do you have any specific questions?



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I am in SC. Mountains to Midlands Council.


What is a trefoil troop?


How would a Juliette bridge from one level to another? I would hate for her to mis the ceremony aspect. Would it be possible for her to at least participate in that with another troop?


I have never seen any Juliettes at council sponsored events, although they say they are welcome. Generally, there's quite an emphasis on experiencing them with your troop. Have your dds participated in something where everyone else was with a troop? How did it go?

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Since you were already a co-leader, why don't you start up a homeschool troop of your own? I've been a leader for 6 years (my little brownies have grown up to be cadettes!) and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything!


With homeschoolers I'm sure you'll be able to recruit the help you need from the parents.


Personally, I wouldn't do the Juliette thing. With all the changing in the program it really geared more to the group now, and you lose the social benefit of being in Girl Scouts. They've even dropped the Juliette name, now girls are just called Independent Girl Scuots. It's hard to do fundraising too, because you have to sell cookies through an established troop, and they don't have to give you the money you earn. You would hope that they would, but they don't have to.

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Part of my concern with finding another troop is that so many in our area seem to be the "meet once a month and do a cutesy craft " or field trip to Build a Bear types. Our troop met weekly and was very focused on service projects, real life skills (hiking, safety, challenging the girls) as well as fun stuff. Most of that meat, so to speak, is easily done on our own. That's why I am considering doing Juliette if we can't find a suitable troop.

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My daughter was a Juliette from K through 4th, for a variety of reasons. She was in a troop for 5th, a different troop for 6th, and now may be in effect a Juliette again, though officially still registered in the same troop as last year.


My dd could take or leave cookie sales, etc. ... a friend whose dd was really into cookie sales found Juliettes difficult because her dd didn't get to have her sales benefit a troop (nor did she get any cookie money -- it all went to council here).


My dd prefers the social experience of having a troop, but we've done ok with her on her own. Now that she's in the older girl category, I'll try to get her in to some weekend/camping/high adventure experiences, but we'll make the best of it. I'm starting a younger girls' troop for my other dd, and she has been through Program Aide training, so she will get to help with that.

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Reecie, I loved being a Leader. I just don't have any good connections in the local homeschool community, so I don't know if such a troop would be wanted or already exists. I am hoping my council rep will get back to me soon about that.


When I called my council about a troop, I didn't have good luck. They would promise to get back to me, but then wouldn't do it. I suggest you watch for fall recruitments. They usually have them at the public schools. Ours are advertised at the library as well. You might ask your council when a recruitment will be held in your area. At recruitment events you can connect with the actual volunteers that can lead you to an existing troop or help you with starting up your own troop.

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I am in SC. Mountains to Midlands Council.


OK. not my council. I would have more specific answers if you were in my council (GSCSNJ)


What is a trefoil troop?


How would a Juliette bridge from one level to another? I would hate for her to mis the ceremony aspect. Would it be possible for her to at least participate in that with another troop?


I can only speak from my experience but my Service Unit does a bridging. We didn't do one as a troop. So all the troops in my Service Unit (town) get together and do a bridging ceremony. We all get to see the Daisys bridge to brownies, the brownies bridge to juniors and so on. Some troops don't show up if they aren't bridging but that's in poor taste. All independant girls are included and they walk over the bridge as well and included in the ceremony.


I have never seen any Juliettes at council sponsored events, although they say they are welcome. Generally, there's quite an emphasis on experiencing them with your troop. Have your dds participated in something where everyone else was with a troop? How did it go?


My daughter frequently attends council events by herself. (it was too much for the parents in the troop to take their own daughter and I couldn't be driver every.single.time) We ended up seeing the same few girls in the same situation and the same council events. It really broadened my duaghters friendship circle.


we are now practically Juiettes here after I gave up my troopa few weeks ago. my two girls are in a troop with our one friend and her two daughters. but we earn our own $$ and can spend our $$ how we wish. mostly they like doing things together, but my girls will end up making lots more $$ from cookies and so we will do things with them and without them.



Robin in NJ

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A trefoil troop, in our council at least, is a special troop for girls who can't meet with a regular troop, for whatever reason. I'm not sure how many girls participate in scouting this way--in theory, they're supposed to have a trefoil event twice a year, but in the last two years, there haven't been any. So, very similar to Juliettes, but they give us an actual troop number, instead of a Juliette patch.


The council sends us some packets to work on petals, try-its, etc., but the bulk of it is up to us to figure out on our own. She is welcome to go to any council event, and we've been to many. I worry every time, because there are, of course, whole troops at the events, and I worry that she won't fit in, but for the most part, the other troops have been very welcoming.


We did our own bridging ceremony at home when she became a Brownie, but our council rep did say that she could find a troop for her to bridge with, (same goes for cookie sales and other fundraisers), if she wanted, but it wasn't a big deal to her.


She really likes it because she can pick the council activities that most interest her, and she can work on as many patches as she wants to, (she's kind of an over-achiever, so she has a lot!).


Hope that helped some!



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Thanks for all the information!


I did go to the leaders meetings, and it was our SU's Community Development Manager that I called. She was the one who helped us get our troop started in the first place. Unfortunately, I never got a chance to really connect with the other leaders; there wasn't much time for networking. I'd know them on sight, but that's it.


Our council has been really pushing to get everyone signed up before the end of September. I have only seen the signs we had put up for our own troop. Many here are closed to new girls for whatever reason. I will keep my eye out though. I might even hit the local library's homeschool day, even though it is for kids older than my dd. With any luck, some of the parents there may know if there is a homeschool troop around.

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My DD and her friend have been independent GSs for the past 2 years. It has worked out well for us and our HS schedules. We have gone to some of the GS events plus our nature center has had opportunities to earn badges. (I don't know how the GS changes will effect those type of events?!) I have been the acting leader of both girls for our meetings and we put together a bridging ceremony, with both families, and served refreshments. We did it up best we could! Also, the girls have participated in the cookie sales. We have received our earnings as a troop would. I'm sorry to learn that so many independents don't receive the money they've earned. However, I haven't had much success just recently with some questions about independents/troops etc., like Reecie I'm still waiting for a reply that I'm really not counting on at this point. Then their is this whole new program I'm not too sure about...anyway I hope it all works out for your DD.

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I did Juliettes one year - note that is plural as there were only three girls interested in our Jr. troop...and no second adult to co-lead. So each parent set their dd up as a Juliette. They just happened to like coming to our house for crafts, badge work, etc. ;) .

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Reecie, I loved being a Leader. I just don't have any good connections in the local homeschool community, so I don't know if such a troop would be wanted or already exists. I am hoping my council rep will get back to me soon about that.


Is there a homeschool newsletter that you could put an ad in? In our area, there is a tremendous shortage of leaders. The ladies that have led my daughter's troop only agreed to do it because there was no other troop available.


I'd love it if my daughter could be in a homeschool troop. She is the only homeschooler in her troop and all the other girls go to school together and live ion the same cul-de-sac, so she sometimes feel left out when they start talking about the activities they do together outside of the troop.



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I did Juliettes one year - note that is plural as there were only three girls interested in our Jr. troop...and no second adult to co-lead. So each parent set their dd up as a Juliette. They just happened to like coming to our house for crafts, badge work, etc. ;) .


This might be where I'm headed. Out of 8-9 moms who said they were interested, I can only get 2 other girls to commit. I might have gotten a fourth, but all of the other mothers want to 'see how their year starts' ... I can't seem to explain to them that there won't be a troop to join later if they don't sign up now.

The 3 for whom I have registration are all homeschooled and within 2 months of age of each other, so I'll just have them Juliette if needed.

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My daughter is a Juliette, going into Brownies this year. We love it! We choose our own activities, I put GS award requirements alongside our HS day, it's awesome. We've never been part of a troop.


For bridging, I happen to have my girls two years apart, so my going-into-Brownies girl is helping her sister that's going into Daisies learn the GS Promise. For the work with the older girls, she's doing the jar with the ideas...I can't remember what it was right now.


Contact your Juliette Program coordinator ASAP, she'll be a lot of help. Juliettes are even allowed to sell cookies in our council! We have a lot of fun with it. If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me. :)


Sorry she has to leave her original troop, that stinks. But Juliettes is lots of fun too...you do what SHE wants to do, not what the troop leader wants. I love the freedom!

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